Charakteristika von Nfz-Unfällen – Analyse aus Erhebungen am Unfallort Hannover
1993, pp. 223 – 230 (#7/8)
The analysis of commercial vehicles makes evident that a low risk of injuries for truck occupants does exist, but a comparatively high risk of injuries exists at collisions of vehicles of approximately the same weight respectively a weight ratio of less than 4. Compared to the car occupants truck occupants are not endagered by the upper parts of dashboard like windscreen and steering wheel. On the contrary injuries were indicated by the deformation of the footroom front structures including dashboard structures in a very high frequency. Therefore it must be evident to avoid all the penetration of compartment structures. However, because the truck is not equipped by a frontal crush zone as a passenger car, therefore, in the opinion of the Accident Research, it will be of advantage to integrate pads in the frontal leg room and insert an Airbag. This Airbag, however, has to be fixed under the steering wheel, and must cover as well the steering wheel as also the dashboard. Especially, for heavy truck accidents can be noticed that the drivers have been squeezed in 90%. These mechanismen of squeezing were mostly found in the footroom. The above mentioned analysis of real accidents makes provision for the truck driver's safety. 458 trucks, consisting of 172 trucks of 2.8 to 7.5 tons and 286 trucks of a total weight of 7.5 tons and more, have been evaluated by the Approach and Analysis of the Accident Research Unit Hannover.
Otte, D.: Charakteristika von Nfz-Unfällen – Analyse aus Erhebungen am Unfallort Hannover. Verkehrsunfall und Fahrzeugtechnik 31 (1993), pp. 223 – 230 (#7/8)
Statistische Betrachtungen zu Lkw Unfällen die von einem Team von Ingenieuren und Ärzten um Otte im Großraum Hannover an den Unfallstellen detailliert aufgenommen worden. Im Artikel geht es leider nur um die Schäden und Verletzungen, die Lkw den anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern zufügen.
Die unfallanalytischen Auswertungen der Unfälle sind gesondert veröffentlicht in:
"Otte D. et al.: Erhebungen am Unfallort, Unfall- und Sicherheitsforschung, Heft 37, Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Bergisch-Gladbach (1982)"