Technisch-medizinische Zusammenhänge bei Verkehrsunfällen von Motorradfahrern

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2004, p. 129 (#6)

The value of on scene in-depth accident research studies has been recognized internationally and many countries worldwide have such teams. Since such detailed information is essential for improving the safety of cars, a strong collaboration with automakers developed. This resulted in Germany in a joint project between FAT (Forschungsvereinigung Automobiltechnik – Automotive Industry Research Association) and BASt (Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen – Federal Road Research Institute). The project started on July 1999 and is called "GIDAS" (German In-Depth Investigation Accident Study). The paper is describing the methodology of this project with statistically orientated procedure of data sampling on the one hand and will give an overview of procedures for the determination of impact speed on the basis of an on scene investigation on the other hand. Crash information e.g. driving and collision speed have to be determined from traces on the scene as well as from the final position of vehicles. Different calculations are used by experts, momentum analysis and energy balance. Information on final position of vehicles, deformation pattern on vehicles, traces found on the road like braking and sliding marks, throwing distances of the motorbike rider and the cycle supplies possibilities for reconstruction of the movement of the human body and determination of collision speed. The paper describes the possibilities of the use of these parameters for reconstruction and will show the injury pattern for motorcyclists in the German traffic accident situation, based on the GIDAS sample in statistical representative manner. Further the paper shows improvements for possibilities on countermeasures for reducing injury severity of primary and secondary impact on the vehicle as well as on the road surface.


Otte, D.: Technisch-medizinische Zusammenhänge bei Verkehrsunfällen mit Motorradfahrern. Verkehrsunfall und Fahrzeugtechnik 42 (2004), pp. 129 - 136 (#6)


Wie von der Unfallforschung bekannt: vor allem der Zusammenhang zwischen Δv (hier: Kollisionsgeschwindigkeit des Motorrads) und Verletzungsschwere (MAIS). Außerdem eine Statistik der verletzten Körperregionen. Dazu ergänzend diesmal Regressionsrechnungen zum Zusammenhang zwischen Kollisionsgeschwindigkeit und Wurfweite. Die Punkthaufen, die den Regressionsrechnungen zugrunde liegen (ebenfalls abgebildet), lassen dieses Unterfangen – gelinde gesagt – zweifelhaft erscheinen. Die Datenbasis dieses Beitrags kann man ebenso gut nutzen, all solchen Überlegungen eine klare Absage zu erteilen.

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Published also in English as:
Otte, D.: Technical Parameters for Determination of Impact Speed for Motorcycle Accidents - Based on Methodology and Accident Data of GIDAS - German In-Depth Accident Study. ITAI 7th International Conference, Dunblane, Scotland 2005, pp. 35 - 46.