Aktive und passive Sicherheit des neuen MAN Fernreisebusses FRH 422

Aus Colliseum
Version vom 20. September 2017, 10:19 Uhr von Vdengineering (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Ergänzung engl. Intro)
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1995, pp. 23 – 29 (#1)

MAN's new FRH 422 touring coach demonstrates a high level of active safety and new quality of passive safety. The major development objectives – environmental compatibility, economy and comfort/convenience have thereby been retained. The high expectations which both the public and the passenger have of the coach as a means of transport justify the effort and expense involved in further development of these already safe vehicles to make them even safer and thus more attractive. Against this background the »Coach of the Year '94« award is both an encouragement and a challenge for the FRH 422 development team.


Rieck, G.: Aktive und passive Sicherheit des neuen MAN Fernreisebusses FRH 422. Verkehrsunfall und Fahrzeugtechnik 33 (1995), pp. 23 – 29 (#1)


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