Biomechanik der Beckenfrakturen beim Pkw-Seitenanprall
1996, pp. 182 – 186 (#7/8)
Head, thorax and pelvis are the most injured body regions in frequency and severity for belted car drivers in current traffic accident situations. The problem of pelvic injuries exists in the complexity of bony structure and the different kind of fractures relating to various possibilities of traumatological treatment.
In this study 556 nearside seated occupants in isolated lateral collision were analyzed, 35 of them suffered pelvic fractures. Additionally 13 occupants suffered femure fractures. The paper describes the biomechanics of pelvic fractures including the biomechanics of femure as part of pelvic load in relation to delta-v, intrusion and vehicle deformation characteristics. The characteristics of the lateral deformation was measured and reproduced in a 3-dimensional view and correlated to the injuries, finding the mechanisms for pelvic injury risk.
Otte, D.; Pohlemann, T.: Biomechanik der Beckenfrakturen beim Pkw-Seitenanprall. Verkehrsunfall und Fahrzeugtechnik 34 (1996), pp. 182 – 186 (#7/8)