IRCOBI Konferenzen
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IRCOBI-Konferenzen (in Europa)
12. – 14. September 2018 – Athens (Greece)
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13. – 15. September 2017 – Antwerp (Belgium)
Bertil Aldman Memorial Lecture
- N Yoganandan: International Research Contributions on the Biomechanics of Injury: Honoring the past and looking towards the future
Murray Mackay Appreciation
- C Simms: The Need for Accident Investigation: Murray Mackay’s work presented at Conferences of the International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury from 1973 to 2013
Keynote Lecture
- S Wang: Treat the Patient, Not Just Their Disease
Session S1-1 – Automated driving / Driver behaviour
- M Lindman, I Isaksson‐Hellman, J Strandroth: Basic numbers needed to understand the traffic safety effect of Automated Cars
- S Jorlöv, K Bohman, A Larsson: Seating Positions and Activities in Highly Automated Cars – A Qualitative Study of Future Automated Driving Scenarios
- H C Cutcliffe, J Ólafsdόttir, J Ӧsth, J Davidsson, K Brolin: Gender differences in Occupant Posture during Driving and Riding
- T Dziewoński, K Golon, D Jastrzebski, A Kopyt, M Mirosław, M Matyjewski, M Papis: Short communication: From aDRIVE Project to INTEGRATED Safety
Session S1-2 – Accident analysis / Injury epidemiology
- R Rajaraman, M Patel, J Padmanaban: Characteristics of passenger car crashes in India, and a preliminary assessment of Euro NCAP frontal impact tests for passenger cars in India
- W Tatem, H Gabler: Preliminary Analysis of Serious‐to‐Fatal Injury in Rear Impact Crashes in the United States
- S Piantini, M Mangini, N Baldanzini, M Pierini, A Franci, A Peris: Prediction of motorcyclist serious injury in powered two‐wheeler to other vehicle urban crash
- M Wisch, M Lerner, E Vukovic, D Hynd, A Fiorentino, A Fornells: Injury Patterns of Older Car Occupants, Older Pedestrians or Cyclists in Road Traffic Crashes with Passenger Cars in Europe – Results from SENIORS
- R Elrud, H Stigson, M Ohlin, K Alexanderson, L Kjeldgård, E Friberg: Sickness Absence among Passenger Car Occupants following a Crash
Session S1-3 – Accident analysis / Injury epidemiology
- Y Kitagawa, S Hayashi, T Yasuki: Comparison of Impact Kinematics between Non‐obese and Obese Occupants in Frontal and Lateral Impacts
- M Kelley, J Talton, A Usoro, A Weaver, E Barnard, A Miller: Upper Extremity Injury Patterns in Side‐Impact Crashes
- R Ramachandra, T Kashikar, J Bolte IV: Short Communication: Injury Patterns of Elderly Occupants Involved in Side Crashes
- M Woering , J Vander Sloten, B Depreitere: Short Communication: The development of a new low cost accident database, with the addition of an online feature to allow information‐sharing by different institutes
- K Fujimoto, E Wada, S Inoue, S Sakai, S Izumi, H Numajiri, J Tanabe: Short Communication: Investigation of the Crew Injury Biomechanics during Water Landing for Human Space Flight
Session S1-4 – Vulnerable Road Users
- A Malczyk, J Bende: Crashes between Heavy Vehicles and Bicyclists: Characteristics, Injury Patterns and Potentials for Driver Assistance Systems
- E Song, J Uriot, P Potier, D Dubois, P Petit, X Trosseille, R Douard: Reference PMHS Tests to Assess Whole‐Body Pedestrian Impact Using a Simplified Generic Vehicle Front‐End
- Y Han, Q Li, W He, F Wan, B Wang, K Mizuno: Analysis of Vulnerable Road User Kinematics Before/During/After Vehicle Collisions Based on Video Records
- S Shang, D Otte, C Simms: Short Communication: Pedestrian‐ground contact injuries observed from German in‐depth accident data
- K Singh, A Chawla, S Mukherjee: Short communication: Finite Element Simulation Estimation of Wheel‐base Reduction and Deformation Energy of a Typical Indian Motorcycle Crash at Known Impact Speed against Sedan Car
- Z Sun, B Gepner, E Spratley, J Toczyski, J Kerrigan: Short communication: New Approaches to Pedestrian Knee Joint Biomechanics
Session S1-5 – Brain / Head Injury / Helmets
- H Stigson, M Rizzi, A Ydenius, E Engström, A Kullgren: Consumer Testing of Bicycle Helmets
- M Robinson, S Soe, G McShane, R Celeghini, R Burek, M Alves, B Hanna, P Theobald: Developing Elastomeric Cellular Structures for Multiple Head Impacts
- C Deck, N Bourdet, P Halldin, G DeBruyne, R Willinger: Protection capability of bicycle helmets under oblique impact assessed with two separate brain FE models
- D Koncan, R Zemek, M Gilchrist, T Hoshizaki: Helmet Construction Influences Brain Strain Patterns for Events Causing Concussion in Youth Ice Hockey
- K-U Schmitt, M Muser, H Thüler, O Brügger: Short Communication: Ice hockey boards: how to assess the biomechanical loading of a player upon impact?
- C Stuart, P Cripton: Short communication: Design of a Novel Helmet Impact Testing Apparatus Representative of Snow Sports Head Injury
- J Clark, T Connor, C Williams, M Gilchrist: Short communication: Damage to Real World Equestrian Helmets Sustained from Impact against Different Surfaces
- T Bońkowski, L Hynčík, L Šoltés: Short communication: Motorcycle Helmets: The Population Diversity Influence on Head Injury Criterion Assessment
Session S1-6 – Dummy Technology
- J Jermakian, M Edwards: Kinematics Comparison between the Hybrid III 6 Year‐old with Standard Pelvis and Modified Pelvis with Gel Abdomen in Booster Sled Tests
- C Visvikis, J Carrol, C Klimitsch: Sensitivity of the Q‐Series Abdominal Pressure Twin Sensors to Loading Type and Position in Dynamic Restraint System Loading Tests
- D Hynd, J Carroll, K Severson: Abdomen Impact Testing of the Hybrid III Rail Safety (H3‐RS) Anthropometric Test Device
- R Ramachandra, Y‐S Kang, A Hagedorn, J Stammen, J Bolte IV: Abdominal Biofidelity Assessment of 50th Percentile Male and 10‐Year‐Old ATD Responses Relative to a Recently Developed Belt‐Loading Corridor
- M Reed, K Boyle: Short communication: Development of a Manikin Representing a Two‐Year‐Old Child for Belt‐Fit Measurement
- F Lopez‐Valdes, O Juste, A Lorente, A Piqueras, M Maza, J Muehlbauer, S Schick, B Pipkorn, K Mroz, S Peldschus: Short communication: Comparison of the Kinematics and Dynamics of the THOR‐50M Dummy and Elderly Volunteers in Low‐Speed Frontal Decelerations
Session S1-7 – Dummy Technology
- S Maach, B von Rosen, L McCauley, J Levine, J-P Dionne: Comparison of Hybrid III head response to shock tube and explosive blast loading
- Y Miyazaki, A Railkar, S Awamori, A Kokeguchi, I Amamori, M Katagiri, K Yoshii: Intracranial Brain Motion Measurement in Frontal Sled Tests by using a New Anthropometric Test Dummy Head capable of Direct Brain Motion Evaluation and Visualisation
- D Suzuki, K Nakai, S Enami, R Palacin: Short communication: A Countermeasure to Reduce Secondary Impact Velocity and Rib Deflection Criterion of Longitudinal‐Seat Passengers in Railway Collisions
Session S1-8 – Far Side Impacts
- M Arun, S Umale, D Halloway, F Pintar, N Yoganandan: Can 1 –DOF Sled Tests Reproduce Real World Far‐Side Crashes? A Finite Element Study
- D Perez‐Rapela, C Markusic, J Forman, S Montesinos Acosta, T Kim, J Crandall: Short Communication: Comparison of WorldSID to PMHS kinematics in far‐side impact
- D Perez‐Rapela, C Markusic, J Forman, S Montesinos Acosta, T Kim, J Crandall: Short communication: IRTRACC and RibEye performance comparison in far‐side test configurations
Session S1-9 – Vehicle Technology / Restraint Systems
- M Jones, S Ebert, J Hu, M Reed: Effects of High Levels of Obesity on Lap and Shoulder Belt Paths
- G Baker, I Stockman, K Bohman, L Jakobsson, M Svensson, A-L Osvalder, M Wimmerstedt: Kinematics and Shoulder Belt Engagement of Children on Belt‐positioning Boosters during Emergency Braking Events
- A-L Osvalder, K Bohman, I Hansson: Adult’s and Children’s Attitudes towards Extra Seat Belts in the Rear Seats
- M Hitosugi, T Koseki, M Takaso, Y Motozawa: Serious seatbelt injuries sustained by pregnant women sitting in rear seats: anthropometric analyses and confirmation in sled tests
- P Larsen, T Mousel: Short communication: Radio‐Frequency Based Detection of Unattended Children to Reduce In‐Vehicle Heat Stroke Fatalities
Session S1-10 – Vehicle Technology / Restraint Systems
- A Gupta, F Alvarez, T Daniel, D Larner: Investigating the Use of Adhesively‐Coated External Airbag to Reduce Post‐Impact Kinematics
- M Edwards, C Nash: Inflatable Shoulder Belts and Inboard Upper Anchor Shoulder‐belt Geometry in Far‐side Oblique Impacts
- M Östling, H Saito, A Vishwanatha, C Ding, B Pipkorn, C Sunnevång: Potential Benefit of a 3+2 Criss Cross Seat Belt System in Frontal and Oblique Crashes
Session S2-1 – Computer Modelling / Human Body Models
- A Drake, E Takhounts, V Hasija: Investigation of Parameters Affecting Brain Model Validation and Brain Strains Using the SIMon Finite Element Head Model
- A Talebanpour, L Smith: A Comparison between Simulated and Measured Human Brain Response under Mild Acceleration
- J Östh, M Mendoza‐Vazquez, A Linder, M Svensson, K Brolin: The VIVA OpenHBM Finite Element 50th Percentile Female Occupant Model: Whole Body Model Development and Kinematic Validation
- A Lakshminarayana, C Shah: Short Communication: Development of the THOR‐5F advanced frontal small female dummy FE model
Session S2-2 – Computer Modelling / Human Body Models
- S Kunitomi, Y Yamamoto, R Kato, J Antona‐Makoshi, A Konosu, Y Dokko, T Yasuki: The Development of the Lower Extremity of a Human FE Model and the Influence of Anatomical Detailed Modelling in Vehicle‐to‐Pedestrian Impacts
- J Tang, J Hu, B Nie, Q Zhou: An Algorithm for Rapid Adjustment of Lower Extremity Posture of a Pedestrian Model
- C Klug, F Feist, M Raffler, W Sinz, P Petit, J Ellway, M van Ratingen: Development of a Procedure to Compare Kinematics of Human Body Models for Pedestrian Simulations
- T Fuchs, S Peldschus: Short Communication: Qualifying FE Human Body Models for Specific Load Cases: Assessing Uncertainties during the Validation Process
- A Chhabra, S Paruchuri, K Mishra, D Kaushik, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhotra: Short Communication: Spline‐based repositioning for the vertebral column of the GHBMC Human Body Finite Element Model
- A Chhabra, S Paruchuri, K Mishra, D Kaushik, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhotra: Short Communication: Contour‐based Repositioning of lower limbs of the GHBMC Human Body FE Model
- A Meynen, D De Kegel, N Famaey, H van Lenthe, J Vander Sloten: Short Communication: Analysing the Validity of a Skull Fracture Energy Criterion through Subject‐specific Finite Element Modelling of Skull Impacts
Session S2-3 – Thorax Injury
- Y-S Kang, A Agnew, C-B Hong, K Icke, J Bolte IV: Elderly PMHS Thoracic Responses and Injuries in Frontal Impacts
- S Ejima, S Holcombe, P Zhang, B Derstine, R Goulson, C Kohoyda‐Inglis, J MacWilliams, S Wang: The Effect of Rib Fracture Patterns in the Obese
- D Albert, Y‐S Kang, A Agnew, A Kemper: A Comparison of Rib Structural and Material Properties from Matched Whole Rib Bending and Tension Coupon Tests
- B Donnelly, H Rhule, K Moorhouse, Y‐S Kang, J Stammen: An Improved Deflection Energy Method to Normalise PMHS Thoracic Response Data
Session S2-4 – Integrated Safety / Driver behaviour
- M Hu, Y Li: Short Communication: Same‐Direction‐Pattern of Drivers’ Avoidance Behaviour in Critical Intersection Situations – Field Accident Data Analysis and Driving Simulation Study
- D Jastrzębski, A Kopyt, K Golon, M Mirosław, T Dziewoński: Short Communication: Fuzzy logic as a model of an actor‐driver in simulator scenarios
- T Izumiyama, N Nishida, H Iwanaga, X Chen, J Ohgi, I Sakuramoto, R Asahi, S Sugimoto, M Ueno: Short Communication: The Analysis of an Individual Difference using Human Skeletal Morphology in Automotive Seated Posture
Session S2-5 – Spine Biomechanics
- V Hasija, E Takhounts, E Lee, M Craig: On the importance of the forces and moments at the occipital condyles in predicting ligamentous cervical spine injuries
- R Lechner, I Hailer, S Horion, H Steffan: Validation of the Causality of Influencing Seat Design Parameters, Identified by using Multivariate Analysis Methods, on the BioRID‐II ATD Kinematics in Low‐Speed Rear‐End Impacts
- F Sato, K Holmqvist, A Linder, M Svensson, A Kullgren, J Tanabe, K Yamazaki: Average‐sized Male and Female Rear‐impact Dummy Models in Simulations of Real World Cases Addressing Sensitivity in Whiplash Associated Disorder Assessment
- B Pilarczyk, C Simms, D Cronin: Short communication: Effect of Different Muscle Fibre Types on the Neck Kinematics for Frontal Impact
- F Khor, D Cronin, C Van Toen: Short communication: Lower Cervical Spine Hard Tissue Injury Prediction in Axial Compression
- D Mang, J‐S Blouin, G Siegmund: Short communication: A Comparison of Anti‐Whiplash Seats During Low/Moderate‐Speed Rear‐End Collisions
- T Whyte, A Melnyk, C Van Toen, J Street, T Oxland, P Cripton: Short communication: The effect of translational constraint on cervical spine kinetics, kinematics and canal occlusions in impacts inducing lateral bending
- J John, N Yoganandan, M Arun, G Kumar: Short communication: Sagittal Curvature and Vertebra Axial Geometry Effects on Cervical Spine Global and Local Responses
- D Shen, D Cronin: Short communication: Effect of Active Musculature Parameters on Neck Response and Potential for Injury
Session S2-6 – Tissue Biomechanics / Computer Modelling
- J Hu, K Zhang, A Fanta, M Jones, M Reed, M Neal, J‐T Wang, C‐H Lin, L Cao: Stature and Body Shape Effects on Driver Injury Risks in Frontal Crashes: A Parametric Human Modelling Study
- A Christou, G Grigoriadis, D Carpanen, N Newell, S Masouros: Short Communication: Biomechanics of a lumbar functional unit using the finite element method
- N Newell, D Carpanen, A Christou, G Grigoriadis, J Little, S Masouros: Short Communication: Strain Rate Dependence of Internal Pressure and External Bulge in Human Intervertebral Discs during Axial Compression
- G Byrne, S Tiernan: Short communication: An Investigation of the Effect of Impact Locations on Strain within the Brain
- J Giudice, A Alshareef, J Forman, M Panzer: Short communication: Measuring 3D Brain Deformation During Dynamic Head Motion Using Sonomicrometry
- D Kumar, S Mukherjee, A Chawla: Short communication: Evaluation of Load Path for Injury Prediction in Soft Tissues
- O Martynenko, C Kleinbach, M Hammer, D Haeufle, C Mayer, S Schmitt: Short communication: Advanced Hill-type Muscle model as User Defined Material in LS-DYNA with Routing Capability for Application in Active Human Body Models
- J Fehr, F Kempter, C Kleinbach, S Schmitt: Short communication: Guiding Strategy for an Open Source Hill-type Muscle Model in LS-Dyna and Implementation in the Upper Extremity of a HBM
- C Kleinbach, J Fehr: Short communication: Comparison of Muscle Activated HBMs in a Lane Change Manoeuvre
Session S2-7 – Brain / Head Injury
- C Eckersley, R Nightingale, J Luck, C Bass: Effect of Neck Musculature on Head Kinematic Response Following Blunt Impact
- M Ghajari, P Hellyer, D Sharp: Short communication: Predicting the Location of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Pathology
- A Alshareef, J Giudice, J Forman, M Panzer: Short communication: Evaluating the Biofidelity of Human Brain Finite Element Models Using Sonomicrometry Data
- G Tierney, C Simms: Short communication: The effect of intended primary contact location on tackler head impact risk
- P Siegkas, M Ghajari: Short communication: Computational modelling of oblique impacts on helmets with a new add‐on lining system
- D Zouzias, G De Bruyne, J Ivens: Short communication: A proposed motion tracking technique to assess the kinematics of oblique impacts
Session S2-8 – Lower Extremity Injury
- G Grigoriadis, D Carpanen, C Webster, N Newell, S Masouros: Short Communication: The Effect of the Posture of the Lower Limb in Anti‐Vehicular Explosions
- R Hunter, M Murach, K Briley, A Agnew: Short communication: Preliminary Investigation into the Co‐variation of Cortical Geometric Properties and vBMD along the Length of the Tibia
- C Roberts, J Kerrigan, J Forman: Short communication: Shod and Unshod Kinematic Response of the Female Lower Extremity under Dorsiflexion Loading
- B Nie, J Forman, A Mait, J‐P Donlon, R Kent: Short communication: Foot Position Shifts Injury Initiation among Ankle Ligaments during External Rotation
Session S2-9 – Thorax Injury
- J Boutillier, S De Mezzo, C Deck, P Magnan, P Naz, R Willinger: Short Communication: Thoracic response of post‐mortem swine under blast loadings
- A Agnew, M Murach, E Misicka, K Moorhouse, J Bolte IV, Y-S Kang: Short communication: The Effect of Body Size on Adult Human Rib Structural Properties
- Holcombe, S Ejima, S Wang: Short communication: Calcification of Costal Cartilage in the Adult Rib Cage
- D Jastrzębski, D Poulard, M Panzer: Short communication: Development of Morphed Ribcage Finite Element Models for Comparison with PMHS Data
- D Singh, D Cronin, A Slutsky: Short communication: Micro‐model to Evaluate Alveolar Wall Mechanical Properties from Pressure‐Volume Response
- A Harden, Y-S Kang, K Moorhouse, A Agnew: Short communication: Variance in Fracture Location of Human Ribs Subjected to Dynamic Antero‐Posterior Bending
14. - 16. September 2016 – Malaga (Spain)
Bertil Aldman Memorial Lecture
- M van Ratingen: Saving Lives with Safer Cars: The Past, Present and Future of Consumer Safety Ratings
Sessions S1-1 / S1-2 – Accident Analysis / Injury Epidemiology
- A Bukova-Zideluna, A Villerusa, A Lama: An overview of injured bicyclists in traffic accidents: analysis of traffic accident database in Latvia for the period 2010–2014
- R Fredriksson, B Sui: Powered Two-Wheeler Accidents in Germany with Severe Injury Outcome - Accident Scenarios, Injury - Sources and Potential Countermeasures
- G Li, D Otte, J Yang, C Simms: Can a Small Number of Pedestrian Impact Scenarios Represent the Range of Real‐world Pedestrian Injuries?
- J Shaikh, R Fredriksson: Short communication: Vulnerable Road User Accidents in India
- T Karlsson, M Lindman, B Svanberg, Z Katibeh: Risk estimation for different precrash factors in run-off road crashes in curves
- J Strandroth, P Nilsson, S Sternlund, M Rizzi, M Krafft: Characteristics of future crashes in Sweden – identifying road safety challenges in 2020 and 2030
- R Rudd: Investigating a Relationship Between Standardised Crash Classification and Occupant Kinematics in Real‐World Frontal Crashes
- K Brolin: Short communication: Causes of Accidental Injury Leading to Hospitalization in Sweden presented by Age and Gender for the years 2001 - 2014
- K-U Schmitt, K Furter, M Muser: Short communication: Correlation between AIS-coded injury severity and injury severity classified by the NACA score
- S Niesen, K Auerbach, M Lerner, C Pastor, A Schepers, M Wisch, R Lefering, A Malczyk, U Schmucker: Short communication: Estimation of the number of seriously injured road traffic casualties in Germany based on GIDAS, using a decision tree method and the TraumaRegister DGU®
- D Suzuki, K Nakai, S Enami, R Palacin: Short communication: Relation between Secondary Impact Velocity and Behaviour of Longitudinal-Seat Passenger in Railway Collisions
Session S1-3 – Spinal Injury
- B Jordan, K-U Schmitt, D Butzer, B Zahnd: Analysis of whiplash associated disorder claims using real‐world data retrieved from event data recorders: a case-control study
- L Jakobsson, M Bjorklund, A Westerlund: Thoracolumbar Spine Injuries in Car Crashes
- F Sato, M Odani, Y Miyazaki, T Nakajima, J A Makoshi, K Yamazaki, K Ono, M Svensson, J Osth, S Morikawa, S Schick, A Ferreiro Perez: Investigation of Whole Spine Alignment Patterns in Automotive Seated Posture Using Upright Open MRI Systems
- J Shridharani, B Bigler, C Cox, M Ortiz‐Paparoni, C Bass: Sensitive Injury Detection in the Cervical Spine Using Acoustic Emission and Continuous Wavelet Transform
- Y‐S Kang, J Stammen, K Moorhouse, R Herriott, J Bolte: PMHS Lower Neck Load Calculation using Inverse Dynamics with Cervical Spine Kinematics and Neck Mass Properties
- N Newell, G Grigoriadis, A Christou, D Carpanen, S Masouros: Short communication: Mechanical characterisation of bovine intervertebral discs at a range of strain rates
- N Yoganandan, F Pintar, S Chirvi, V Chancey, B McEntire: Short communication: Lower Neck Injury Criteria from Post‐Mortem Human Subject Tests using an Injury Mechanism Approach
Session S1-5 – Brain / Head Injury / Helmets
- F Feist, C Klug: A Numerical Study on the Influence of the Upper Body and Neck on Head Kinematics in Tangential Bicycle Helmet Impact
- J Olivier, F Terlich: The Use of Propensity Score Stratification and Synthetic Data to Address Allocation Bias when Assessing Bicycle Helmet Effectiveness
- A Post, S De Grau, T Ignacy, A Meehan, R Zemek, T Hoshizaki, M Gilchrist: Comparison of Helmeted Head Impact in Youth and Adult Ice Hockey
- J Clark, A Post, T Hoshizaki, T Hoshizaki , M Gilchrist: The Association among Injury Metrics for Different Events in Ice Hockey Goaltender Impacts
- K Taylor, T Hoshizaki, T Hoshizaki, M Gilchrist: Dynamic Head Response and Maximum Principal Tissue Strain for Helmeted (American Football) and Non-helmeted Impacts
- R Oeur, T Hoshizaki: The Effect of Impact Compliance, Velocity, and Location in Predicting Brain Trauma for Falls in Sport
Session S1-6 – Integrated Safety / Driver Behaviour
- C Shelat, P Ghosh, R Chitteti, C Mayer: “Relaxed” HBM – an Enabler to Pre-Crash Safety System Evaluation
- H Saito, T Matsushita, B Pipkorn, O Bostrom: Evaluation of Frontal Impact Restraint System in Integrated Safety Scenario Using Human Body Model with PID Controlled Active Muscles
- K Yamada, M Gotoh, Y Kitagawa, T Yasuki: Simulation of Occupant Posture Change during Autonomous Emergency Braking and Occupant Kinematics in Frontal Collision
- M Ostmann, L Jakobsson: An Examination of Pre-crash Braking Influence on Occupant Crash Response using an Active Human Body Model
- J Lee, J Han, H J Kim, D Lim: Short communication: Existence or Nonexistence of Causable Injury Risk Possibility at Neck Joint by using Autonomous Braking (AB) in Subsequent Frontal‐Head Collision at Stationary State following AB Application
- J Han, J Lee, H Kim, D Lim: Short communication: Alterations of Muscle Activation and Moment Characteristics at Neck Joint due to Brake Force applied to Stationary Lead Vehicle in Low‐speed, Rear-end Collision
Sessions S1-7 / S1-8 – Injury in Children / Child safety
- C Giordano, S Kleiven: Development of a 3‐Year‐Old Child FE Head Model, Continuously Scalable from 1.5‐ to 6‐ Year‐Old
- J Holtz, M Tress, C Sobotzik, H Johannsen, J Carroll, S Muller: Side-impact simulation study to investigate the protection of older child occupants in lightweight vehicles
- J Nadarasa, C Deck, F Meyer, N Bourdet, J Raul, R Willinger: Infant Eye Finite‐Element Model for Injury Analysis
- F Heurlin, L Jakobsson, H Nilsson: Front passenger airbag benefits for restrained forward‐facing children
- Y Han, J Ouyang, K Mizuno, A Cang: Analysis of Chest Injuries to Child Occupants Seated in Impact Shield CRS based on Dummy tests, FE Simulations and Animal Tests
- C Visvikis, J Carroll, C Klimitsch: Short communication: Sensitivity of the Q‐Series Abdominal Pressure Twin Sensors to loading type and position in dynamic restraint system loading tests
- E Rola: Short communication: Parametric Study of 3‐Year‐Olds in a Child Restraint System with Harness Pretensioner and Load Limiter
Session S1-9 – Brain / Head Injury / Helmets (ctd.)
- J Dutschke, R Anderson, B Sandoz, J Finnie, J Manavis, T Nishimoto, T Morris, A Wells, R Turner, R Vink: A Biomechanical Model of Traumatic Contusional Injury Produced by Controlled Cerebrocortical Indentation in Sheep
- B Stone, B Halkon, A Harland: An Explorative Study into the Mechanics of Projectile Impacts to the Head
- G Tierney, J Lawler, C Simms: Short communication: Upper and Lower Body Tackles in Rugby Union: the Effect on Head Kinematics
- S Khosroshahi, M Ghajari, U Galvanetto: Short communication: A Numerical Approach for the Optimisation of a Composite Chin Bar for Protection against Basilar Skull Fracture
- C Stuart, L Yau, R Yip, J Brubacher, P Cripton: Short communication: Understanding Clinical Snow Sport Head Injury and Design of a Relevant Helmet Testing Apparatus
- A Roseveare, D Plant, M Ghajari: Short communication: A New Helmet‐liner Design for Improved Survivability
Session S1-10 – Spinal Injury (ctd.)
- J Broos, R Meijer: Simulation Method for Whiplash Injury Prediction Using an Active Human Model
- G Mattos, R Grzebieta: A Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Inverted Drop Test Methods on PMHS Spine Response
- D De Kegel, A Monea, F Dewinter, N Famaey,J Vander Sloten: Short communication: Investigation of a Local Absorption Energy Criterion for Skull Impacts through Subject-specific Finite Element Head Modelling
- B Elkin, G Siegmund: Short communication: A Potential Whiplash Mechanism for Cerebral Concussion
- C Young, J Tiernan, G Bertocci, C Simms: Short communication: A Model of a Wheelchair Head Restraint to Reduce the Risk of Whiplash
- R Lechner, I Hailer, S Horion, H Steffan: Short communication: Assessment of the Influencing parameters on the Kinematic Behaviour of the BioRID‐II Anthropometric Test Device (ATD) by Analysing Seat Design Parameters Tested by the European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP)
Session S2-1 – Blast Injury
- J Boutillier, S De Mezzo, C Deck, L Ehrhardt, P Magnan, P Naz, R Willinger: Shock‐wave interaction with reduced‐scale simplified torso surrogates
- K Rafaels, A DiLeonardi, C Bass: Understanding the Brain Injury Mechanisms of Primary Blast Exposure
- R Pangonis, M Ghajari, D Sharp: Short communication: Characterisation of Brain Tissue at High Strain Rates
- E Vogel, C Bass, D Meaney, B Morrison: Short communication: Drug Treatment Prevents Primary Blast‐induced Deficit in Long‐term Potentiation in Rat Brain Slice Cultures
- G Grigoriadis, D Carpanen, A Bull, S Masouros: Short communication: A Finite Element Model of the Foot and Ankle for Prediction of Injury in Under‐Body Blast
Session S2-2 – Vulnerable Road Users
- M Fahlstedt, P Halldin, V Alvarez, S Kleiven: Influence of the Body and Neck on Head Kinematics and Brain Injury Risk in Bicycle Accident Situations
- N Bourdet, S Mojumder, S Piantini, C Deck, M Pierini, R Willinge: Proposal of a new motorcycle helmet test method for tangential impact
- P Ghosh, C Mayer, C Deck, N Bourdet, F Meyer, R Willinger, H Bensler, J Weber: Head Injury Risk Assessment in Pedestrian Impacts on Small Electric Vehicles using Coupled SUFEHM-THUMS Human Body Models Running in Different Crash Codes
- D Perez‐Rapela, J Forman, H Jeon, J Crandall: Short communication: External biofidelity of Flex‐PLI compared to the THUMS pedestrian model
- L Meredith, C Hurren, E Clarke, M Fitzharris, M Baldock, L de Rome, J Olivier, J Brown: Short communication: Abrasion Resistance Performance of Clothing Worn by Australian Motorcyclists
- B Albanese, L Meredith, T Whyte, T Gibson, L de Rome, M Fitzharris, M Baldock, J Brown: Short communication: Energy Attenuation Performance of Impact Protection for Motorcyclists
- F Barry, C Simms: Short communication: Assessment of Head‐Ground Impact Patterns in Real World Pedestrian‐Vehicle Collisions
Session S2-3 – Computer Modelling / Human Body Models
- L Feller, C Kleinbach, J Fehr, S Schmitt: Incorporating Muscle Activation Dynamics into the Global Human Body Model
- Y Motozawa, M Okamoto, F Mori: Analysis of Quantitative Prediction of Rib‐Fractures using Finite Element Human Body Models during Side Impacts
- L Wood Zaseck, C Chen, J Hu, M Reed, J Rupp: The Influence of Pre‐Existing Rib Fractures on GHBMC Thorax Response in Lateral Impact
- D Subit, F Möhler, J Wass, B Pipkorn: Robustness of Principal and Longitudinal Strains as Fracture Predictors in Side Impact
- T Du, J Chen, F Lan: Short communication: Development of the Chinese 50th Percentile Male Human Body Model
- J Osth, M Mendoza‐Vazquez, M Svensson, A Linder, K Brolin: Short communication: Development of a 50th Percentile Female Human Body Model
- T Eliason, J Coogan, D Nicolella: Short communication: Hierarchical Verification and Validation of Human Body Computational Models
- S Boakye‐Yiadom, D Cronin: Short communication: Repositioning Study for a Motion Segment: effect of Initial Rotation
- K Klein, M Reed, J Rupp: Short communication: Development of Geometric Specifications for the Pelvis of a Small Female Anthropomorphic Test Device
Session S2-4 – Accident Analysis / Vehicle Technology
- S Wang, S Holcombe, B Derstine, R Goulson, D Grenda, J Ruan,P Rabban, N Wang, J Friedman, D Cron, B Henderson, J Sullivan, C Kohoyda‐Inglis, G Su, S Ejima, P Zhang: Reference Analytic Morphomics Population (RAMP): A Reference to Measure Occupant Variability for Crash Injury Analysis
- L Gaylor, R Suarez del Fueyo, M Junge: Crashworthiness Improvements of the Vehicle Fleet
- S Crespo, D Perez‐Rapela, J Roman‐Marin,F Martin‐Vazquez, J Luzon‐Narro, C Arregui‐Dalmases: Structural Optimisation in Vehicle Development for the current Euro NCAP side crash protocol: how to minimise the structural changes due to the current barrier stiffness and geometry
- B Mueller, J Nolan: Comparison of Vehicle Structure and Occupant Responses in Driver‐ and Passenger‐Side IIHS Small Overlap Frontal Crash Tests
- H Johannsen, R Thomson: Short communication: Compatibility Assessment: can the current ADAC MPDB test properly assess compatibility?
Session S2-5 – Side Impacts / Computer Modelling
- B Pipkorn, F Lopez‐Valdes, O Juste‐Lorente, M Maza, C Sunnevang: Study of the Kinematics of the THOR dummy in Nearside Oblique Impacts
- K Bohman, J Shaikh: Real Life Situations for Rear‐Seated Occupants in Far‐side Impacts
- J Peres, S Auer, N Praxl: Development and comparison of different injury risk functions predicting pelvic fractures in side impact for a Human Body Model
- M Katagiri, J Zhao, J Kerrigan, R Kent, J Forman: Comparison of Whole‐Body Kinematic Behaviour of the GHBMC Occupant Model to PMHS in Far‐Side Sled Tests
- M Arun, S Umale, J Humm, N Yoganandan, F Pintar: Impact Response Evaluation of a Restrained Whole Human Body Finite Element Model under Far‐side 90 and 60 degree Impacts
- D Gierczycka, S Malcolm, D Cronin: Short communication: Occupant‐Side Airbag–Vehicle Interaction in Side‐impact Crash Scenario Using Coupled Vehicle and Human Body Models
- D Gierczycka, S Malcolm, D Cronin: Short communication: Influence of the Rib‐deflection Measurement Method on Evaluation of Side‐impact Restraint Effectiveness
Session S2-6 – Vehicle Technology / Dummy Technology
- J Park, S Ebert, M Reed, J Hallman: Effects of Occupant and Vehicle Factors on Three‐Point Belt Fit in Rear Seats
- R Grzebieta, G Rechnitzer, K Simmons, D Hicks: Rollover Crashworthiness of Quad Bikes and Side by Side Vehicles: A Comparative Laboratory Testing Study
- S Montesinos Acosta, J Ash, D Lessley, G Shaw, S Heltzel, J Crandall: Comparison of Whole Body Response in Oblique and Full Frontal Sled Tests
- K Klinich, C Flannagan, J Hu, M Reed: Potential Safety Effects of Low‐Mass Vehicles with Comprehensive Crash Avoidance Technology
- T Seacrist, J Kerrigan, C Holt, S Balasubramanian, A Jordan, R Kent, K Arbogast: Short communication: A Novel Methodology for Evaluating Occupant Response in Low Acceleration Time‐Extended Events
- L Martínez, M Reed, A García, M de Loma‐Ossorio, C Torres, A Bueno: Short communication: Crash Impact Dummies adapted to People Affected by Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Session S2-7 – Vulnerable Road Users (ctd.)
- T Isshiki, A Konosu, Y Takahashi: Development and Evaluation of the Advanced Pedestrian Legform Impactor Prototype which can be Applicable to All Types of Vehicles Regardless of Bumper Height ‐ Part 1: Finite Element Model
- T Isshiki, A Konosu, Y Takahashi: Development and Evaluation of the Advanced Pedestrian Legform Impactor Prototype which can be Applicable to All Types of Vehicles Regardless of Bumper Height ‐ Part 2: Actual Test Tool
- Y Takahashi, H Asanuma, I Imaizumi: Effectiveness of a Test Procedure for Pedestrian Lower Limb Protection in Pedestrians of Various Sizes
- V Alvarez, S Kleiven: Importance of Windscreen Modelling Approach for Head Injury Prediction
Session S2-8 – Accident Analysis / Injury Epidemiology (ctd.)
- C Mulligan, M Oomens, B Albanese, S Adams, J Brown: An In‐Depth Investigation into Paediatric Motorcycle and Off‐Road Vehicle Crashes
- S Piantini, M Pierini, M Delogu, N Baldanzini, A Franci, M Mangini, A Peris: Injury Analysis of Powered Two‐Wheeler versus Other‐Vehicle Urban Accidents
- M Maza, J Larriba, O Juste‐Lorente, F Lopez‐Valdes: Short communication: Motorcyclists Crashes into Race Tracks and Normal Road Barriers: Kinematic Analysis and Correlation with Test Procedures
- P Puthan, R Fredriksson, S Thorn, F Tornvall: Short communication: Real World Accident Analysis of Truck Front Impact to Pedestrians
Session S2-9 – Thorax Injury / Injury to the Upper Extremities
- S Ejima, S Holcombe, P Zhang, B Derstine, R Goulson, J Williams, C Kohoyda‐Inglis, S Wang: Application of Analytic Morphomics for Belted Elderly Occupants in Frontal Crashes
- D Otte, T Facius, M Klintschar, S Brand: Investigations and Injury Mechanisms of Aortic Ruptures among Vehicle Occupants and Vulnerable Road Users over Time
- D Hynd, M Muirhead, J Carroll, A Barr, J Clissold: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of an Exemplar Equestrian Air Jacket against Crush Injuries
- W Wei, M Behr, C Kahn: Short communication: The Aorta‐Heart System Finite Element Modelling with Fluid‐Structure Interaction Methods and Validation against Blood Hydrodynamics
- J Toczyski, D Poulard, T Fuchs, S Peldschus, J Forman: Short communication: Lateral Bending Response Corridors for the 5th Rib of a 50th Percentile Male Finite Element Model
- D Carpanen, A Kedgley, D Plant, S Masouros: Short communication: The Risk of Injury of the Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal Joints of the Hand
Session S2-10 – Thorax Injury / Tissue Biomechanics
- J Antona‐Makoshi, Y Yamamoto, R Kato, S Kunitomi, A Konosu, Y Dokko, T Yasuki, T Takamiya: Effect of seatbelt and airbag loads on thoracic injury risk in frontal crashes considering average and small body sizes and age‐dependent thoracic fragility
- A Agnew, Y‐S Kang: Short communication: Human Rib Failure Strain in Dynamic Frontal Loading at the Antero‐Lateral Location
- V Dominguez, Y‐S Kang, M Murach, N Crowe, A Agnew: Short communication: Bone Area vs Cortical Area: Considering Intracortical Porosity When Predicting Rib Structural Properties
- M Murach, A Bazyk, E Misicka, Y‐S Kang, K Moorhouse, A Agnew: Short communication: Utilization of a Novel Method for Measuring Cortical Thickness to Investigate Variation with Age in Male Human Ribs
- H Gustafson, P Cripton: Short communication: Use of Digital Image Correlation to Investigate the Influence of Rate on Vertebral Body Response
- P Kulavi, R Segura: Short communication: Towards Male Specific Material Properties for Cervical Ligaments in Finite Element Human Body Models and its Validation in Functional Spine Units
- B Nie, M Panzer, J Forman, A Mane, A Mait, J-P Donlon, R Kent: Short communication: A Fiber‐based Modelling Approach of Ankle Ligaments in situ
9.-11. September 2015 – Lyon (France)
Bertil Aldman Memorial Lecture
- M Segui-Gomez: Trying to apply science to motor vehicle safety policy decision making
Keynote Lecture
- T Gennarelli: The Centripetal Theory of Concussion (CTC) revisited after 40 years and a proposed new Symptomcentric Concept of the Concussions
Sessions S1-1 / S1-2 / S1-7: Accident analysis / Injury epidemiology
- M Lindman, S Jonsson, L Jakobsson, T Karlsson, D Gustafson, A Fredriksson: Cyclists interacting with passenger cars; a study of real world crashes
- M Jansch, D Otte, H Johannsen: Investigation of bicycle accidents involving collisions with the opening door of parking vehicles and demands for a suitable driver assistance system
- R Fredriksson, B Sui: Fatal Powered Two-Wheeler (PTW) crashes in Germany - an in-depth study of the events, injuries and injury sources
- Z Hafiz Zulkipli, A Hamzah, S Mohammed, M Alwi Abdul Rahman: Short communication: Injury Pattern among Motorcyclists involved in Traffic Crashes
- S Piantini, N Baldanzini, M Pierini, M Mangini, A Franci, A Peris: An Overview on Pedestrians and Cyclists Serious Injuries in Urban Accidents
- C Klug, M Weinberger, E Tomasch, F Feist, W Sinz, H Steffan, T Kinsky, F Roth, N Praxl, B Buenger: Pelvic and femoral injuries in car-to-pedestrian accidents
- M Bhuvanesh, J Padmanaban, S Goldberger: Development of Accident Reconstruction Using In-Depth Accident Investigation Data in India
- H Subramanian, S Mukherjee, A Chawla, S Vakhil, M Varghese, D Mohan: Pedestrian Injuries in Delhi, India: Analysis of Hospital Data
- M Shafieian, V Rahimi-Movaghar: Short communication: What is the Real Number of Road Traffic Crashes in Iran? A Desperate Need for a Road Traffic Crash Registry System
- Z. Ahmad Noor Syukri, K. Wing, O. Mohd Rasid, S. Wong: Injury and Damage Severity Factors in Real-World Passenger Vehicles Frontal Impacts
- L Gaylor, M Junge: Assessment of the efficacy of vehicle side airbags: A matched cohort study of vehicle?vehicle side collisions using the GIDAS database
- L Jakobsson, M Lindman, H Carlsson, A Axelson, A Kling: Large Animal Crashes: the Significance and Challenges
Session S1-3: Vehicle Technology / Restraint Systems
- O Richard, J Uriot, X Trosseille, M Sokolowski: Occupant restraint optimisation in frontal crash to mitigate the risk of submarining in out-of-position situation
- E Rola, C Rzymkowski: Effectiveness of the Child Restraint System with a Special Airbag and Smart Seatbelt Pretensioner in Frontal Collisions
- S Meyer, A Nelson, D Hock, J McMillin, B Herbst: Assessing the Effects of Load Limiting Retractors on Occupant Motion
- B Nie, Xin Ye, P Riley, J Crandall, M Panzer: Short communication: Investigation of Active Muscle Response on the Occupant-Knee Airbag Interaction in Frontal Impacts
- J Kim, I Lee, T Kim, H Kim: Short communication: Validation of Abdominal Characteristics under Lap-belt Loadings using Human Body Model Morphed to an Obese Female
Session S1-4: Brain / Head Injury / Helmets
- C Klug, F Feist, E Tomasch: Testing of bicycle helmets for preadolescents
- E Becker, D Anishchenko, S Palmer: Motorcycle Helmet Impact Response at Various Levels of Severity for Different Standard Certifications
- N Bourdet, R Willinger: Head impact conditions in case of equestrian accident
- J Clark, A Post, T Hoshizaki, M Gilchrist: Determining the Relationship between Linear and Rotational Acceleration and MPS for Different Magnitudes of Classified Brain Injury Risk in Ice Hockey
- G Tierney, T Krosshaug, F Wilson, K Denvir, T Wahl, M HaBayyari, M Carroll, C Simms: Short communication: An Assessment of a Novel Approach for Determining the Player Kinematics in Elite Rugby Union Players
- G Siegmund, S Bonin, J Luck, C Bass: Short communication: Validation of a Skin-Mounted Sensor for Measuring In-Vivo Head Impacts
- G Musigazi, D. De Kegel, J Vander Sloten, B Depreitere: Short communication: Brain Contusion Mechanopathogenesis: Arguments for Cortical Compression and Head Rotational Acceleration
Session S1-5: Brain / Head Injury / Tissue biomechanics
- D Sahoo, C Deck, R Willinger: Axonal strain as brain injury predictor based on real-world head trauma simulations
- B Stemper, A Shah, M Budde, R Chiariello, N Wilkins,C Olsen, P Mehta, S Kurpad, M McCrea, F Pintar: Characterization of Differing Time-Course of Cognitive Deficits and Emotional Changes Following Rotational Traumatic Brain Injury in the Rat
- W Zhao, S Ji: Parametric investigation of regional brain strain responses via a pre-computed atlas
- E Zapata, H Follet, D Mitton: Ex vivo protocol to reproduce a forward fall leading to fractured and non-fractured radii
- W Zhao, S Ji: Short communication: Feasibility of a pressure response superposition scheme in blunt head impact
- M Ghajari, D Sharp: Short communication: Computational Analysis of White Matter Response to Rear and Lateral Impacts
- K Bruyere, A Bel-Brunon, C Jayyosi, A Chenel, M Coret, C Kahn, C Masson: Short communication: Assessment of the ultimate strain of the hepatic capsule for the prediction of liver surface laceration
Session S1-6: Spinal Injury
- Y Kitagawa, K Yamada, H Motojima, T Yasuki: Consideration on Gender Difference of Whiplash Associated Disorder in Low Speed Rear Impact
- Y-S Kang, K Moorhouse, K Icke, J Stricklin, R Herriott, J Bolte IV: Rear Impact Head and Cervical Spine Kinematics of BioRID II and PMHS in Production Seats
- F Sato, T Nakajima, K Ono, M Svensson, K Kaneoka: Characteristics of Dynamic Cervical Vertebral Kinematics for Female and Male Volunteers in Low-speed Rear Impact, based on Quasi-static Neck Kinematics
Sessions S1-8 / S1-9 / S2-3: Vulnerable Road Users
- K Nakai, D Suzuki, S Enami, T Okino, J Takano, R Palacin: An estimation of behaviour and severity of injury to rail passengers occupying longitudinal seats in the event of collision
- D Suzuki, K Nakai, S Enami, T Okino, J Takano, R Palacin: Proposal of Simulation Method for Behaviour Analysis of Passengers on Longitudinal Seating in Railway Collision
- T Weber, M Muser, K-U Schmitt: Optimising the design of tramways to mitigate injury risk in pedestrian impacts
- P Vallee, T Robert: Short communication: A numerical model to assess the risk of fall in public transportation - application to the influence of the Jerk in emergency braking
- P Harrington, G Bertocci, C Simms: Short communication: Comparison of novel wheelchair occupant restraint with standard occupant restraints for occupants travelling in transportation
- D Subit, R Paas, B Sandoz, J Davidsson, S Laporte: Short communication: Upper Body Skeletal Posture of the Average Pedestrian Male from Upright High-Resolution X-ray Images - Comparison to the THUMS Pedestrian Model
- J Forman, H Joodaki, A Forghani, P Riley, V Bollapragada, D Lessley, B Overby, S Heltzel, J Crandall: Biofidelity Corridors for Whole-Body Pedestrian Impact with a Generic Buck
- A MacAlister, D Zuby: Cyclist Crash Scenarios and Factors Relevant to the Design of Cyclist Detection Systems
- N Lubbe, A Kullgren: Assessment of Integrated Pedestrian Protection Systems with Forward Collision Warning and Automated Emergency Braking
- G Li, J Yang, Simms C: Short communication: A Fitness Function for Vehicle Front Optimization for Pedestrian Protection Accounting for Real World Collision Configurations
- R Suarez del Fueyo, M Junge, F Lopez-Valdes: Pedestrian Fatal Head Injury Risk as a Function of the Wrap Around Distance (WAD) and the Front Geometry of the Vehicle
- Y Takahashi, H Asanuma, T Yanaoka: Development of a Full-Body Human FE Model for Pedestrian Crash Reconstructions
- R Paas, J Osth, J Davidsson: Which Pragmatic Finite Element Human Body Model Scaling Technique Can Most Accurately Predict Head Impact Conditions in Pedestrian-Car Crashes?
- D Poulard, H Chen, J Crandall, T Dziewonski, M Pedzisz, M Panzer: Component-level Biofidelity Assessment of Morphed Pedestrian Finite Element Models
- P Beillas, P Petit, S Kleiven, S Kirscht, A Chawla, E Jolivet, F Faure, N Praxl, A Bhaskar: Short communication: Specifications of a Software Framework to Position and Personalise Human Body Models
Sessions S2-1 / S2-2: Dummy Technology / Rollover
- T Isshiki, A Konosu, Y Takahashi: Analysis of the Causes of Differences in Impact Responses between a Human Lower Limb and the Flexible Pedestrian Legform Impactor under Low and High Bumper Vehicle Impact Situations
- R Desbats, F Bermond, S Compigne, S Nicolle, P Vezin: Lumped element model of THOR-NT and PMHS abdomen under seatbelt and impactor loading
- J Uriot, P Potier, P Baudrit, X Trosseille, O Richard, R Douard: Comparison of HII, HIII and THOR dummy responses with respect to PMHS sled tests
- J Toczyski, D Lessley, Q Zhang, J Kerrigan: Short communication: Occupant Motion Tracking in Rollover using 3D Optical Systems
- H Joodaki, J Forman, A Forghani, B Overby, R Kent, J Crandall, B Beahlen, M Beebe, O Bostrom: Comparison of Kinematic Behaviour of a First Generation Obese Dummy and Obese PMHS in Frontal Sled Tests
- M Lebarbe, B Donnelly, P Petit, K Moorhouse: A Frontal Response Specification for Assessing the Biofidelity of an Anthropometric Test Dummy: Part 1 - Upper Body
- M Lebarbe, B Donnelly, P Petit, K Moorhouse: A Frontal Response Specification for Assessing the Biofidelity of an Anthropometric Test Dummy: Part 2 - Lower Body
- B Herbst, S Forrest, S Meyer, C Clarke, L Bell, A Nelson: Test Methods for Occupant Safety in Heavy Truck Rollovers
- D Gierczycka, D Cronin: Short communication: Investigation of Boundary Conditions for Vehicle Rollover Simulations
Sessions S2-4 / S2-5: Computer Modelling / Human Body Models
- St Ridella, C Bojanowski: Sensitivity Analysis on the Influence of Vehicle Factors on the Kinematic Response of a Mid-Sized Male Crash Dummy During a Simulation of a Controlled Rollover Crash
- M Davis, N Vavalle, F Gayzik: An evaluation of mass-normalization using 50th and 95th percentile human body finite element models in frontal crash
- M Arun, J Humm, N Yoganandan, F Pintar: Biofidelity Evaluation of a Restrained Whole Body Finite Element Model under Frontal Impact using Kinematics Data from PMHS Sled Tests
- D Poulard, H Chen, J Crandall, T Dziewonski, M Pedzisz, M Panzer: Comparison of Whole Body Kinematics between Fracture and Non-Fracture Finite Element Human Body Models during Side Impact
- S Schmitt, J Blaschke, P Bohm, C Mayer: Short communication: Active Muscles for the Implementation in Human Body Models - work in progress
- K Rawska, T Kim, V Bollapragada, B Nie, J Crandall, T Daniel: Evaluation of the Biofidelity of Multibody Paediatric Human Models under Component-level, Blunt Impact and Belt Loading Conditions
- M Shen, F Zhu, B Jiang, V Sanghavi, H Fan, Y Cai, Z Wang, A Kalra, X Jin, C Chou, K Yang: Development and a Limited Validation of a Whole-Body Finite Element Pedestrian and Occupant Models of a 10-Year-Old Child
- K Brolin, I Stockman, H Subramanian, L-L Gras, J Osth: Development of an Active 6-Year-Old Child Human Body Model for Simulation of Emergency Events
- M Reed, B-K Park, J Hallman: Effects of Driver Attributes on Lower Abdomen Contour
- D Gierczycka, D Cronin: Short communication: Investigation of Human Body Model Response to Different Lateral Loading Conditions
Sessions S2-6 / S2-7: Blast Injury
- J Boutillier, C Deck, P Magnan, R Willinger, P Naz: Primary blast injury on thorax: a critical review of the studies and their outcomes
- D Cronin: Short communication: Investigation of Lung Response Resulting from Behind Armour Blunt Trauma Impact Scenarios
- G Effgen, T Ong, S Nammalwar, A Ortuno, C Bass, D Meaney, B Morrison: Short communication: Primary Blast Exposure Reduces Brain Tolerance to Subsequent Blast
- E Vogel, C Bass, D Meaney, B Morrison: Short communication: Delayed inhibition of long-term potentiation in rat brain slice cultures caused by primary blast exposure
- D Singh, D Cronin: Short communication: Investigation of Head Response to Blast Exposure
- C Weaver, J Stitzel: Pelvic Response of a Total Human Body Finite Element Model During Simulated Under Body Blast Impacts
- A Christou, E Spurrier, G Grigoriadis, S Masouros: Short communication: Human cadaveric bi-segment impact experiments at different postures
- D Zaharie, S Masouros: Short communication: A multi-body dynamics model of the MiL-Lx surrogate for under-body blast
- C Villette, D Zaharie, A Phillips: Short communication: Frangible optimised lower limb surrogate for assessing injury caused by underbelly blast
- N Newell, A Bull, S Masouros: Short communication: A Computational Model for Prediction of Lower Limb Injury in Under-Vehicle Explosions
Session S2-8: Integrated Safety / Driver Behaviour
- H Johannsen, D Otte, M Urban: Pre-Crash Analysis of accidents Involving Turning Trucks and Bicyclists
- P Ghosh, M Andersson, M Mendoza Vazquez, M Svensson, C Mayer, J Wismans: A proposal for integrating pre-crash vehicle dynamics into occupant injury protection evaluation of small electric vehicles
- P Huber, S Kirschbichler, A Pruggler, T Steidl: Passenger kinematics in braking, lane change and oblique driving maneuvers
- L Jakobsson, M Lindman, M Bjorklund, T Victor: Rear-End Impact - Crash Prevention and Occupant Protection
10.-12. September 2014 - Berlin (Germany)
Bertil Aldman Memorial Lecture
- Arbogast K: A Public Health Priority For Only Ten Percent Of The Car Occupant Population: Why Focus On Children And How Are They Different Biomechanically?
Keynote Lecture
- Lorenz B: Interaction of Research, Legislation and Consumer Information
Session 1-1 – Accident analysis / Injury epidemiology 1
- Gockowiak K, Anderson R, Searson D: A model for determining injury risk on the basis of impact speed, using vehicle data from variable-speed impact tests
- Yanaoka T, Akiyama A, Takahashi Y: Investigation of Fatality Probability Function Associated with Injury Severity and Age
- Tahan F, Digges K, Kan C-D, Grzebieta R, Bambach M: Assessing Chest Injuries for Different Pitch Angles and Drop Heights Rollovers Using Strengthened Roof
- Svensson M, D'Addetta G A, Carlsson A, Ewald C, Luttenberger P, Mayer C, Strandroth J, Tomasch E, Gutsche A, Wismans J: Short communication: Future Accident Scenarios involving Small Electric Vehicles
- Arjun P, Arjun CT, Rajkamal S, Santhosh Kumar G, Hassan AM, Ravishankar R, Padmanaban J: Short communication: An In-Depth Study of Motorized Two-Wheeler Accidents in India
Session 1-2 – Brain / Head Injury / Helmets 1
- Walsh E, Kendall M, Hoshizaki T B, Gilchrist M: Dynamic Impact Response and Predicted Brain Tissue Deformation Comparisons for an Impacted Hybrid III Headform With and Without a Neckform and Torso Masses
- Ouckama R, Pearsall D: Projectile Impact Testing of Ice Hockey Helmets: Headform Kinematics and Dynamic Measurement of Localized Pressure Distribution
- Post A, Karton C, Hoshizaki T B, Gilchrist M: Analysis of the protective capacity of ice hockey helmets in a concussion injury reconstruction
- Oeur R A, Zanetti K, Hoshizaki T B: Angular Acceleration Responses of American Football, Lacrosse and Ice Hockey Helmets Subject to Low?Energy Impacts
Session 1-3 – Brain / Head Injury / Helmets 2
- Ren L, Baumgartner D, Davidsson J, Yang J, Willinger R: Effect of inhomogeneous brain mechanical characteristics on dynamic responses of head under trauma
- Sahoo D, Deck C, Yoganandan N, Willinger R: Composite FE human skull model validation and development of skull fracture criteria
- Ito D, Yamada H, Oida K, Mizuno K: Finite element analysis of kinematic behavior of cyclist and Performance of cyclist helmet for human head injury in vehicle?to?cyclist collision
- Boruah S, Subit D, Crandall J, Salzar R, Shender B, Paskoff G: A lumped-mass model to simulate through-the-thickness transmission of vibration in the adult human skull
Session 1-4 – Tissue Biomechanics / Tissue Characterization 1
- Lopez-Valdes F, Lau S, Riley P, Kent R: Characterizing the in-vitro dynamic behavior of the human thoracic spine in flexion
- Shridharani J, Schmidt A, Cox C, Bigler B, Knight A, Bass C: Dynamic Failure Localization in Spinal Specimens using Acoustic Emissions
- Van Toen C, Street J, Oxland T, Cripton P: Acoustic Emission Signals from Injuries of Three-Vertebra Specimens
Session 2-1 – Lower Extremity Injury
- Perry B, Gabler L, Bailey A, Henderson K, Brozoski F, Salzar R: Lower Leg Characterization and Injury Mitigation
- Ye X, Panzer M, Shaw G, Crandall J: Driver Lower Extremity Response to Out of Position Knee Airbag Deployment
- Bailey A, Panzer M, Salzar R: Development of a Transfer Function for Interpreting Hybrid-III Lower Leg Data from Axial Loading
- Reed M, Ebert S, Hallman J: Short communication: A Statistical Analysis of Driver Knee Locations Relative to Vehicle, Occupant and Belt Fit Variables
- Riley P, Kent R, Dierks T, Lievers W B, Frimenko R, Crandall J: Short communication: Stiffness of the First MTP Joint in Athletic Activities
Session 2-2 – Spinal Injury
- Sato F, Nakajima T, Ono K, Svensson M, Brolin K, Kaneoka K: Dynamic Cervical Vertebral Motion of Female and Male Volunteers and Analysis of its Interaction with Head/Neck/Torso Behavior during Low-speed Rear Impact
- Gutsche A, Tomasch E, Darok M, Sinz W, Ciglaric I, Ravnik D, Steffan H: Comparison of the cervical spine bony kinematics for female cadavers versus the virtual EvaRID dummy under whiplash loading
- Kang Y-S, Moorhouse K, Icke K, Herriott R, Bolte J: Head and Cervical Spine Responses of Post Mortem Human Subjects in Moderate Speed Rear Impacts
- Zulkipli Z, Mao H, Yang K: Short presentation: Study of Neck Geometry Effects on Whiplash Injury Using Finite Elements Method
- Newell R, Cripton P, Blouin J-S, Street J, Siegmund G: Short communication: The neutral posture of the cervical spine is not unique
Session 2-3 – Dummy Technology 1
- Stammen J, Donnelly B, Suntay B, Moorhouse K: Dynamic Response Criteria for a Large Child ATD Thoracic Spine
- Donnelly B, Moorhouse K, Rhule H, Stammen J: Using Absorbed Energy to Normalize PMHS Response Data and Develop Biofidelity Targets for Dummy Design
- Carroll J, Seidl M, Waagmeester K, Lemmen P, Burleigh M, Koschdon K, Lakshminarayana A, Schnottale B, Eggers A, Visvikis C: Side impact shoulder for the Q10 dummy - design and evaluation
- Beillas P, Soni A, Chevalier M-C, Johannsen H, Mueller G, Holtz J: Q6 dummy thoracic response and diagonal belt interactions: observations based on dummy testing and human and dummy simulations
Session 2-4 — Dummy Technology 2
- Eggers A, Eickhoff B, Dobberstein J, Zellmer H, Adolph T: Effects of variations in buckle position, double pretension and adaptive load limiting on advanced chest measurements of THOR and Hybrid III
- Davidsson J, Carroll J, Hynd D, Lecuyer E, Song E, Trosseille X, Eggers A, Sunnevang C, Praxl N, Martinez L, Lemmen P, Been B: Development of injury risk functions for use with the THORAX Demonstrator; an updated THOR
- Sunnevang C, Hynd D, Carroll J, Dahlgren M: Comparison of the THORAX Demonstrator and HIII sensitivity to crash severity and occupant restraint variation
Session 1-5 – Tissue Biomechanics / Tissue Characterization 2
- Holcombe S, Wang S: Subcutaneous Fat Distribution in the Human Torso
- Agnew A, Moorhouse K, Murach M, White S, Kang Y-S: Ultimate bending stress in human ribs throughout the lifespan
- Kilroy H, Takaza M, Simms C: Short communication: The influence of sample dimension on apparent dynamic stress strain behaviour in passive skeletal muscle
- Karunaratne A, Bull A: Short communication: The structure-function relationships of human cortical bone are strain rate dependent: Insight from synchrotron X-ray imaging combined with micromechanical testing
- Soicher J, Streijger F, Kwon B, Cripton P: Short communication: Quantifying Spinal Cord Swelling using Fiber Optic Pressure Sensors
Session 1-6 – Accident Analysis / Injury Epidemiology 2
- Subramanian H, Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Goehlich D: Methodology for estimation of probable location of VRU before impact using data from post?crash analysis
- Gogate V, Pachore V, Thorat A: A new approach for rear underrun protection systems - accident investigations & CAE based development
- Schmitt K-U, Baumgartner L, Muser M, Furter K, Scholz S, Lueber B, Thomas P, Simma A: Short communication: Developing a scheme to report AIS-coded injury severity for Swiss traffic accident data
- Wang S, Holcombe S, Kohoyda-Inglis C, MacWilliams J, Zhang P, Pal C, Kawabe Y, Combest J, Ootani R, Okabe T: Short communication: Calibration of Injury Severity Prediction Algorithm for Nissan Vehicles
- Werneke J, Dozza M: Short communication: Integrating Road Safety Data for Single-Bicycle Crash Causation
Session 1-7 – Computer Modelling / Human Body Models 1
- Iwamoto M, Nakahira Y: A Preliminary Study to Investigate Muscular Effects for Pedestrian Kinematics and Injuries Using Active THUMS
- Davis M, Allen B, Geer C, Stitzel J, Gayzik, F: A Multi-Modality Image Set for the Development of a 5th Percentile Female Finite Element Model
- Pronoy G, Swain G, Chitteti R, Shah P, Mayer C, Gopalakrishna H: Short communication: Deriving anthropometrically-correct 5th percentile female from subject-specific female CAD model
- Grigoriadis G, Newell N, Masouros S, Bull A: Short communication: The material properties of the human heel fat pad across strain-rates: an inverse finite element approach
Session 1-8 – Computer Modelling / Human Body Models 2
- Park G, Kim T, Subit D, Donlon J, Crandall J, Svenderson A, Saunders N, Markusic C: Assessment of GHBMC shoulder biofidelity in lateral shoulder impact condition using PMHS response
- Gierczycka D, Cronin D: Short communication: Investigation of Injury Metric Sensitivity to Thorax Impact Loading Using a Detailed Human Body Model
- Fuchs T, Fressmann D, Mayer C, Pipkorn B, Segura R, Weber J, Yasuki T, Peldschus S: Short communication: Challenges in Using a Finite Element Human Body Model in Different Crash Codes
Session 2-5 – Impact biomechanics modeling
- Dzialak P, Ptak M, Karlinski J, Iluk A: Injury biomechanics of a mining machine operator
- Rhule H, Suntay B, Herriott R, Stricklin J, Kang Y-S, Bolte J: Response of the PMHS Thorax in Lateral and Oblique Pneumatic Ram Impacts - Investigation of Impact Speed, Impact Location and Impactor Face
- Mendoza-Vazquez M, Jakobsson L, Davidsson J, Brolin K, Ostmann M: Evaluation of thoracic injury criteria for THUMS finite element human body model using real-world accident data
- Yoganandan N, Arun M, Humm J, Pintar F: Short communication: Evaluation of normalization approaches for developing temporal corridors in oblique side impacts
Session 2-6 – Vehicle Technology / Restraint Systems
- Adolph T, Eggers A, Thomson R, Mizuno K: Comparison of the Dummy Response in two different Restraint System Crash Tests
- Stein M, Johannsen H, Holtz J, Core E, Zink L: Concept for lateral impact protection of a centred driver in a light electrical vehicle
- Sun Y, Xu J, Zhao C, Li P, Li Y: Exploring a new candidate of energy absorber: thin-wall tube structures filled with nanoporous material functionalized liquid
- Lorente O, Alba J, Lopez-Valdes F: A comparison of the performance of child restraint systems on the ECE R44 bench and vehicle seats
- Rola E: Short communication: Analysis of the applicability of an airbag for safety improvement of the child travelling in the child restraint system in rear seat of a passenger car during the frontal crash
Session 2-7 – Integrated Safety / Driver Behaviour 1
- Fredriksson R, Rosen E: Integrated Vulnerable Road User Protection Systems - Potential of Head Injury Reduction Combining Passive and Active Protection Systems
- Kirschbichler S, Huber P, Prueggler A, Steidl T, Sinz W, Mayer C, D`Addetta G A: Factors Influencing Occupant Kinematics during Braking and Lane Change Maneuvers in a Passenger Vehicle
- Bollapragada V, Kim T, Kerrigan J, Crandall J, Clauser M: Influence of driving attributes on the rollover propensity of a Sedan in case of corrective maneuvers
Session 2-8 – Integrated Safety / Driver Behaviour 2
- Kirscht A, Mueller G, Johannsen H, Goede W, Marker S: Observation of front seat passenger posture and motion in driving manoeuvres
- Rizzi M, Kullgren A, Tingvall C: The injury crash reduction of low-speed Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) on passenger cars
- Jastrzebski D, Miroslaw M, Dziewonski T: Short communication: ATD model vs Human model in combined frontal pre-braking and lateral impact applications
- Huber P, Kirschbichler S, Prueggler A, Steidl T: Short communication: Three-Dimensional Occupant Kinematics During Frontal, Lateral and Combined Emergency Maneuvers
Session 1-9 – Vulnerable Road Users 1
- Katsuhara T, Miyazaki H, Kitagawa Y, Yasuki T: Impact Kinematics of Cyclist and Head Injury Mechanism in Car to Bicycle Collision
- Bourdet N, Luttenberger P, Teibinger A, Mayer C, Willinger R: Pedestrian and bicyclists head impact conditions against small electric vehicle
- Malczyk A, Bauer K, Juhra C, Schick S / corrected version: Head injuries in bicyclists and associated crash characteristics
- Coulongeat F, Roth F, Schenk T, Seibert D: Short communication: Simulation of a real accident with a pedestrian using a FE human model: potential from the view of Integrated Safety
- Meredith L, Baldock M, Fitzharris M, Brown J: Short communication: Pelvic Injury Mechanisms among Motorcyclists
- Li G, Yang J, Simms C: Short communication: Predicting the Effects of Pedestrian Gait on Lower Limb Injuries
Session 1-10 – Vulnerable Road Users 2
- Pipkorn B, Forsberg C, Takahashi Y, Ikeda M, Fredriksson R, Svensson C, Thesleff A: Development, Validation and Manufacturing of a Generic Vehicle Front Buck for Pedestrian impact evaluation
- Takahashi Y, Ikeda M, Asanuma H, Svensson C, Pipkorn B, Forsberg C, Fredriksson R: Full-scale Validation of a Generic Buck for Pedestrian Impact Simulation
- Hamdane H, Serre T, Anderson R, Masson C Yerpez J: Description of pedestrian crashes in accordance with characteristics of Active Safety Systems
- Isshiki T, Konosu A, Takahashi Y: Development of an Appropriate Pedestrian Legform Impact Test Method which can be used for all Types of Vehicles including High Bumper Vehicles - Development of a Simplified Upper Body Part (SUBP) FE Model
Session 2-9 – Blast injury
- Alai A, Salzar R: Measurement of Force in IED Vehicle Interactions
- Gabler L, Panzer M, Salzar R: High-Rate Mechanical Properties of Human and Hybrid-III Heel Pad for Simulation of a Blast Loading Condition
- Iluk A: Estimation of spine injury risk as a function of bulletproof vest mass in case of Under Body Blast load
- Vogel E, Villacorta J, Bass C, Meaney D, Morrison B: Short communication: Primary blast injury erases long term potentiation in rat brain organotypic hippocampal slices
- Jin X, Begeman P, Zhu F, Zhao H, Chen C, Tannous R, Yang K: Short communication: Determining Human Tibia Loads under Simulated Underbelly Blast Loading
11.-13. September 2013 – Gothenburg (Sweden)
Bertil Aldman Memorial Lecture
- Murray Mackay: IRCOBI – Past, Present and Future
Session 1-1 – Accident Analysis 1
- Tingvall C, Ifver J, Krafft M, Kullgren A, Lie A, Rizzi M, Sternlund S, Stigson H, Strandroth J: The Consequences of Adopting a MAIS 3 Injury Target for Road Safety in the EU: a Comparison with Targets Based on Fatalities and Long-term Consequences
- Thomas P: Developments in the Risk of Crash Involvement and Injury to Car Occupants by Model Year Using Vehicle Specific Exposure Data
- Kuniyuki H: Comparison of an Injury Prediction Algorithm for Japan and the U.S. Using Field Accident Data
- Rameshkrishnan N, Sathyakumar A, Balakumar S, Hassan A M, Rajaraman R, Padmanaban J: The New In-Depth, At-the-Scene, Accident Investigation Database in India
Session 1-2 – Spinal Injury 1
- Kullgren A, Stigson H, Krafft M: Development of Whiplash Associated Disorders for Male and Female Car Occupants in Cars Launched Since the 80s in Different Impact Directions
- Davidsson J, Kullgren A: Evaluation of Seat Performance Criteria for Rear-End Impact Testing BioRID II and Insurance Data
- Gutsche A, Tomasch E, Sinz W, Levallois I, Alonso S, Lemmen P, Linder A, Steffan H: Improve Assessment and Enhance Safety for the Evaluation of Whiplash Protection Systems Addressing Male and Female Occupants in Different Seat Configurations by Introducing Virtual Methods in Consumer Tests
- Adolph T, Wisch M, Eggers A, Johannsen H, Cuerden R, Carroll J, Hynd D, Sander U: Analyses of Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Injuries in Frontal Impacts
Session 1-3 – Spinal Injury 2 / Tissue Characterization 1
- Aulck L, Johnson P, Ching R: Ex Vivo Biomechanics of Bus Driver Whole Body Vibration Exposures in the Lumbar Spine
- Zhang J Y, Merkle A, Carneal C, Armiger R, Kraft R, Ward E, Ott K, Wickwire A, Dooley C, Harrigan T, Roberts J: Effects of Torso-Borne Mass and Loading Severity on Early Response of the Lumbar Spine under High-Rate Vertical Loading
- Howes M, Hardy W: Dynamic Material Properties of the Post-Mortem Human Colon
- Arun M, Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Sharma G, Shah P, Ageorges C: Short communication: Characterization of Human Long Bones Using Experiments, Imaging and Inverse Finite Element Techniques
- Bonner T, Newell N, Pullen A, Amis A, Bull A, Masouros S: Short communication: Sensitivity of the Material Properties of the Lateral Collateral Ligament of the Porcine Stifle Joint to Strain Rate
Session 1-4 – Lower Extremity Injury / Blast Injury
- Newell N, Masouros S, Bull A: A Comparison of MiL-Lx and Hybrid-III Responses in Seated and Standing Postures with Blast Mats in Simulated Under-Vehicle Explosions
- Henderson K, Bailey A, Christopher J, Brozoski F, Salzar R: Biomechanical Response of the Lower Leg under High Rate Loading
- Bailey A, Christopher J, Henderson K, Brozoski F, Salzar R: Comparison of Hybrid-III and PMHS Response to Simulated Underbody Blast Loading Conditions
- Rafaels K, Gillich P, Ehlers R, Duvall P: Lower Leg Injuries in Dismounted Military Personnel from Buried Explosives
Session 2-1 – Advances In Dummy Technology
- Arbogast K, Locey C, Bohman K, Seacrist T: Relative Kinematics of the Shoulder Belt and the Torso: Comparison of the Q10 ATD and Pediatric Human Volunteers
- Boucher L, Chaudhari A, Kang Y-S, Bolte J: Range of Motion and Stiffness of the Pediatric Ankle and Implications for Current ATDs
- Lebarbé M, Lafont D, Uriot J, Potier P, Baudrit P, Vallencien G: Study of the Shoulder Response to a High Speed – Short Displacement Lateral Impact using Post Mortem Human Subjects and ES-2re dummy
- Davidsson J: Volunteer Shoulder Range of Motion and Stiffness: Data for Evaluation of Crash Test Dummies and Human Body Models
Session 2-2 – Thorax Injury 1
- Perz R, Toczyski J, Kindig M, Ito D, Ejima S, Kamiji K, Yasuki T, Crandall J, Subit D: Evaluation of the Geometrical Properties Distribution Along the Human Ribs Using Different X-Ray Imaging Methods
- Agnew A, Kang Y-S, Moorhouse K, Herriott R, Bolte J: Age-Related Changes in Stiffness in Human Ribs
- Sandoz B, Sidelkeir Z, Badina A, Bermond F, Mitton D, Skalli W: Variability of Child Rib Bone Hounsfield Units using in vivo Computed Tomography
- Segura R, Fuerst F, Wagner, A, Peldschus S: Short presentation: Towards a more Realistic Human Model Crash Simulation with Real Sternal Cortical Thickness based on Micro-CT Scans
- Iluk A: Short communication: Influence of the additional inertial load of the torso on the mine blast injury
Session 2-3 – Thorax Injury 2
- Kitagawa Y, Yasuki T: Correlation among Seatbelt Load, Chest Deflection, Rib Fracture and Internal Organ Strain in Frontal Collisions with Human Body Finite Element Models
- Ito Y, Motozawa Y, Mori F: Response Analysis of Thoracic Cage against Blunt Loading using Human FE Model
- Mallory A, Rhule H: Short communication: Injury Risk Estimates: A Method for Determining Equivalent Increase in Risk of Death for Older and Younger Occupants
- Schmitt K-U, Ade N, Stämpfli R: Short communication: Airbag vests in equestrian sports – assessing the protective potential
Session 2-4 – Analysis Of Impact Scenarios
- Zhang Q, Kerrigan J, Lessley D, Seppi J, Riley P, Foltz P, Lockerby J, Overby B, Sowers C, Crandall J: Whole-body Kinematics: Response Comparison of the Hybrid III and Hybrid III Pedestrian ATD in DRoTS Rollover Tests
- Park G, Kim T, Crandall J, Arregui-Dalmases C, Luzon-Narro J: Comparison of Kinematics of GHBMC to PMHS on the Side Impact Condition
- Scheub J, Tahan F, Digges K, Kan C-D: Influence of Different Platen Angles and Selected Roof Header Reinforcements on the Quasi-Static Roof Strength of a 2003 Ford Explorer FE Model
- Brumbelow M, Farmer C: Short communication: Real-World Injury Patterns Associated with Hybrid III Sternal Deflections in Frontal Crash Tests
- Gierczycka-Zbrozek D, Cronin D: Short Communication: Evaluation of Injuries in Offset Frontal Pole Impacts
Session 3-1 – Head Injury And Helmets
- Lopez‐Valdes F, Juste Lorente O, Alba J: Preventing Pediatric Out‐of‐Position in Frontal Crashes: Impact Assessment of a Head Support System
- Rizzi M, Stigson H, Krafft M: Cyclist Injuries Leading to Permanent Medical Impairment in Sweden and the Effect of Bicycle Helmets
- Velani N, Harland A, Halkon B: The Development of a Test Methodology for the Determination of Cricket Batting Helmet Performance when Subjected to Ballistic Impacts
- Fernandes F, Alves de Sousa R, Willinger R, Deck C: Finite Element Analysis of Helmeted Impacts and Head Injury Evaluation with a Commercial Road Helmet
- Mallory A, Duffy S, Rhule H: Short communication: Head Injuries to Helmeted and Unhelmeted Motorcyclists in US Trauma Data
Session 3-2 – Brain Injury 1
- Yanaoka T, Dokko Y: A Parametric Study of Age-Related Factors Affecting Intracranial Responses under Impact Loading Using a Human Head/Brain FE Model
- Lamy M, Baumgartner D, Davidsson J, Willinger R: Traumatic Brain Injury Investigation Using FE Modeling of the Rat and Experimental High Amplitude Rotations in the Sagittal Plane
- Gabler L, Stone J, Mourad P, Crandall J, Salzar R: Region Specific Viscoelastic Properties of the Adult Rat Brain under Indentation following Traumatic Brain Injury
- Klug C, Sinz W, Brenn G, Feist F: Experimental Sphere-in-Sphere Testing for the Validation of a Numerical Cerebrospinal Fluid Model
- Boruah S, Henderson K, Subit D, Salzar R, Shender B, Paskoff G: Response of Human Skull Bone to Dynamic Compressive Loading
- Antona-Makoshi J, Davidsson J, Ejima S, Ono K, Brolin K, Anata K: Correlation of Global Head and Brain Tissue Injury Criteria to Experimental Concussion derived from Monkey Head Trauma Experiments
Keynote Lecture
- T. Krosshaug: Video analysis of ACL injuries in sports - 3D reconstruction of human motion from regular TV image sequences
Session 3-3 – Brain Injury 2 / Sports Injury
- Zanetti K, Post A, Karton C, Kendall M, Hoshizaki T B, Gilchrist M: Identifying Injury Characteristics for Three Player Positions in American Football Using Physical and Finite Element Modeling Reconstructions
- Kendall M, Post A, Zanetti K, Hoshizaki T B, Gilchrist M: Comparison of Dynamic versus Static Head Impact Reconstruction Methodology by Means of Dynamic Impact Response and Brain Deformation Metricss
- Allison M, Maltese M, Arbogast K: Short communication: Sensitivity of a Finite Element Head Model to Error in Head Acceleration Profiles as Measured by a Helmet-Based Accelerometer System for Ice Hockey
- Allison M, Maltese M, Arbogast K: Short communication: Kinematics of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Incidents in World Cup Alpine Skiing
Session 3-4 – Tissue Characterization 2
- Wood G, Panzer M, Yu A, Rafaels K, Matthews K, Bass C: Scaling in Blast Neurotrauma
- Hue C, Bass C, Meaney D, Morrison B: Short communication: Interval‐Specific, Blood‐Brain Barrier Disruption In Vitro After Repetitive Primary Blast Injury
- Vogel E, Effgen G, Bass C, Meaney D, Morrison B: Short communication: Primary blast injury initiates functional differences in rat brain organotypic hippocampal slices
- Hemphill M, Goss J, Parker K: Short communication: An in vitro Magnetic Twisting Cytometry Model for Studying the Role of Specific Cell Adhesion Molecules in Traumatic Brain Injury
- Effgen G, Vogel E, Lynch K, Morrison B: Short communication: In Vitro Primary Blast Injury Induces Cell Death in the Hippocampus
Session 4-1 – Impact Biomechanics Modelling
- Sahoo D, Deck C, Willinger R: Medical Imaging Data Implementation into Human FE Head Modelling and Validation
- Meijer R, Broos J, Elrofai H, de Bruijn E, Forbes P, Happee R: Modelling of Bracing in a Multi-Body Active Human Model
- Motozawa Y, Ito Y, Mori F: Applicability of Theoretical Optimal Pulse to the Thoracic Response of the Human Body Finite Element Model during Frontal Impact
- Reed M, Hu J, Rupp J: Short communication: Statistical Analysis of Body Shapes for Parametric Human Body Modeling
Session 4-2 – Active Safety And Driver Behaviour
- Ólafsdóttir J, Östh J, Davidsson J, Brolin K: Passenger Kinematics and Muscle Responses in Autonomous Braking Events with Standard and Reversible Pre-tensioned Restraints
- Rosén E: Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEBS) for Vulnerable Road Users
- Huber P, Christova M, D’Addetta G A, Gallasch E, Kirschbichler S, Mayer C, Prüggler A, Rieser A, Sinz W, Wallner D: Muscle Activation Onset Latencies and Amplitudes during Lane Change in a Full Vehicle Test
- Morris A, Reed S, Welsh R, Brown L, Birrell S: Studying the Effects of In-vehicle Information Systems on Driver Visual Behaviour – Implications for Design
- Weber T, Florin A, Muser M, Schmitt K-U: Short communication: Evaluating the influence of a head-up display on driver's behaviour
- Petersson M, Svanberg B, Johansson R: Short communication: Driver Reaction for Evaluating Autonomous Interventions – A Test-Track Method
- Broberg T, Dukic T, Jakobsson L: Short communication: Driving Scenarios and Factors affecting Safe Mobility for Older Drivers
Session 4-3 – Spinal Injury 3
- Luck J, Nightingale R, Bass C: Compressive Mechanical Properties of the Perinatal, Neonatal and Pediatric Cervical Spine
- Dong L, Mao H, Li G, Yang K: The Ten-Year-Old Child Neck Failure in Tension Using A Finite Element Model
- Yoganandan N, Pintar F, Lew S, Rao R: Short communication: Geometrical properties of the pediatric cervical spine with a focus on C1 vertebra from birth to 18 years: applications to age-specific human body computational models
Session 4-4 – Accident Analysis 2
- Parenteau C, Zhang P, Holcombe S, Kohoyda‐Inglis C, Wang S: Analysis of Morphomics Parameters by Gender and BMI Groups: Thorax Shape and H-point Location
- Stadter G, Yoganandan N, Halloway D, Pintar F: Analysis of Nearside Narrow Object Impacts with and without Shoulder Injuries in Real-World Crashes
- Cabrolier L, D’Souza R, Bertocci G, Tiernan J, Simms C: The Influence of Shoulder and Pelvic Belt Floor Anchorage Location on Wheelchair Occupant Injury Risk: a simulation study
Session 5-1 – Tissue Characterization 3
- Umale S, Deck C, Bourdet N, Diana M, Soler L, Willinger R: Modeling and Validation of the Human Liver and Kidney Models
- Sato F, Yamamoto Y, Ito D, Antona-Makoshi J, Ejima S, Kamiji K, Yasuki T: Hyper-viscoelastic Response of Perfused Liver under Dynamic Compression and Estimation of Tissue Strain Thresholds with a Liver Finite Element Model
- Untaroiu C, Lu Y-C, Kemper A: Modeling the Biomechanical and Injury Response of Human Liver Parenchyma under Tensile Loading
- Subit D, Arregui C, Salzar R, Crandall J: Pediatric, Adult and Elderly Bone Material Properties
- Hamzah M, Subit D, Boruah S, Forman J, Crandall J, Ito D, Ejima S, Kamiji K, Yasuki T: An Inverse Finite Element Approach for Estimating the Fiber Orientations in Intercostal Muscles
- Cronin D, Simms C: Short communication: Investigation of Anisotropy in Passive Muscle Tissue
Session 5-2 – Vulnerable Road Users
- Milne G, Deck C, Bourdet N, Allinne Q, Gallego A, Carreira R, Willinger R: Assessment of Bicyclist Head Injury Risk under Tangential Impact Conditions
- Alvarez V, Fahlstedt M, Halldin P, Kleiven S: Importance of Neck Muscle Tonus in Head Kinematics during Pedestrian Accidents
- Soni A, Robert T, Beillas P: Effects of Pedestrian Pre-Crash Reactions on Crash Outcomes during Multi-body Simulations
- Takahashi Y, Imaizumi I, Asanuma H, Ikeda M: Responses of the Flexible Legform Impactor in Car Impacts
- Simms C: Short communication: Windscreen Angle: a factor for pedestrian head injury risk
- Ptak M, Karlinski J: Short communication: Numerical Investigation of the Frontal Protection System for Pedestrian Safety Enhancement
- Cheong V S, Masouros S, Bull As: Short communication: Fracture Simulation of Femoral Bone using Finite Element Method
Session 6-1 – Frontal Impacts
- Tahan F, Park C-K, Morgan R, Cui C, Brar B, Shanks K, Kan C-D: The Effect of Reduced Mass on Frontal Crashworthiness
- Parenteau C, Zuby D, Brolin K, Svensson M, Palmertz C, Wang S: Restrained Male and Female Occupants in Frontal Crashes: Are We Different?
- Reichert R, Morgan R, Park C-K, Digges K, Kan C-D: Thoracic and Abdominal Injuries to Drivers in Between-rail Frontal Crashes
- Ito D, Ejima S, Kitajima S, Katoh R, Ito H, Sakane M, Nishino T, Nakayama K, Ato T, Kimura T: Occupant Kinematic Behavior and Effects of a Motorized Seatbelt on Occupant Restraint of Human Volunteers during Low Speed Frontal Impact: Mini-sled Tests with Mass Production Car Seat
- Malczyk A, Müller I, Essers S, Hänsel M: Effects of Seating Position of Short Stature Drivers in Frontal Impacts
- Donnelly B, Moorhouse K, Stammen J, Rhule H: Short communication: A Methodology for Creating PMHS Targets with a Two-Dimensional Standard Deviation Ellipse Tolerance for Quantitatively assessing Dummy Biofidelity
Session 6-2 – Accident Analysis 3
- Tohira H, Jacobs I, Mountain D, Gibson N, Yeo A: Comparison of Tables that Map the Abbreviated Injury Scale 1998 Version to the 2008 Version
- Carlsson A, Strandroth J, Bohman K, Stockman I, Svensson M, Wenäll J, Gummesson M, Turbell T, Jakobsson L: Review of Child Car Occupant Fatalities in Sweden During Six Decades
- Osvalder A-L, Hansson I, Stockman I, Carlsson A, Bohman K, Jakobsson L: Older Children’s Sitting Postures, Behaviour and Comfort Experience during Ride – A Comparison between an Integrated Booster Cushion and a High-Back Booster
- Sankarasubramanian H, Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Göhlich D: A Method to Compare and Quantify Threat to Pedestrian Using Injury Cost Measure
12.–14. September 2012 – Dublin (Ireland)
Bertil Aldman Memorial Lecture
- David Ward: From Research to Global Policy and Action
Session 1-1 – Accident Analysis 1
- Tohira H, Jacobs I, Mountain D, Gibson N, Yeo A: Differences in risk factors between early and late trauma death after road traffic accidents
- Piantini S, Grassi D, Mangini M, Pierini M, Spina R, Peris A: A Pilot Study of an Integrated Accident Research System Based on a Medical and Engineering Data in the Metropolitan Area of Florence
- Ono K, Takayama S, Mikami K, Ejima S, Mashiko K, Kono M, Ohashi H: Advanced Accident Research System with the Medical and Engineering Network in Japan
- Hafiz Zulkipli Z, Mohd Faudzi S A, Mohamed N: Spine Injuries among Fatal Victims of Vehicular Accidents in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Session 1-2 – Accident Analysis 2
- Ridella S, Rupp J, Poland K: Age-Related Differences in AIS 3+ Crash Injury Risk, Types, Causation and Mechanisms
- Foster J, Kerrigan J, Nightingale R, Funk J, Cormier J, Bose D, Sochor M, Ridella S, Ash J, Crandall J: Analysis of Cervical Spine Injuries and Mechanisms for CIREN Rollover Crashes
- Padmanaban J, Fitzgerald M: Effectiveness of Rollover-Activated Side Curtain Airbags in Reducing Fatalities in Rollovers
- Malczyk A, Müller G, Gehlert T: The Increasing Role of SUVs in Crash Involvement in Germany
- Ptak M, Karli?ski J: Pedestrian Passive Safety During the SUV Impact: Regulations vs. Reality
Session 1-3 – Frontal / Pole Impacts 1
- Hynd D, Carroll J, Cuerden R, Kruse D, Boström O: Restraint System Safety Diversity in Frontal Impact Accidents
- Yoganandan N, Pintar F, Moore J, Schlick M, Humm J, Rinaldi J, Maiman D: Sled tests using the THOR-NT device and post mortem human surrogates in frontal impacts
- Ash J, Lessley D, Forman J, Zhang Q, Shaw G, Crandall J: Whole-Body Kinematics: Response Corridors for Restrained PMHS in Frontal Impacts
Session 1-4 – Frontal / Pole Impacts 2
- Morgan R, Cui C, Marzougui D, Digges K, Cao L, Kan C-D: Frontal Pole Impacts
- Lockhart P, Cronin D: Short Communication: Evaluation of Occupant Response and Injury Metrics for Pole Crash Scenarios
- Rebelle J: Short Communication: Design of an airbag system to prevent the ejection of forklift truck drivers in case of tip-over
Session 2-1 – Vehicle Technology
- Pipkorn B, Fredriksson R, Oda S, Takahashi Y, Suzuki S, Ericsson M: Development and Validation of a Generic Universal Vehicle Front Buck and a Demonstration of its Use to Evaluate a Hood Leading Edge Bag for Pedestrian Protection
- Ikeda M, Suzuki S, Takahashi Y, Oda S, Fredriksson R, Pipkorn B: Effect of Pedestrian Buck Contact Area and Force-Deflection Property on Pedestrian Pelvis and Lower Limb Injuries
- McDonnell G, D'Souza R, Bertocci G, Tiernan J, Simms C: The Influence of Pelvic-belt Angle on Wheelchair Occupant Injury Risk: a simulation study
- Untaroiu C, Adam T: Occupant Classification for an Adaptive Restraint System: The Methodology and Benefits in Terms of Injury Reduction
Session 2-2 – Rear-End Impact / Spinal Injuries (ADSEAT Special Session)
- Stemper B, Baisden J, Yoganandan N, Pintar F, DeRosia J, Whitley P, Paskoff G, Shender B: Effect of Loading Rate on Injury Patterns During High Rate Vertical Acceleration
- Cronin D, Fice J, DeWit J, Moulton J: Upper Cervical Spine Kinematic Response and Injury Prediction
- Linder A, Olsén S, Eriksson J, Svensson M, Carlsson A: Influence of Gender, Height, Weight, Age, Seated Position and Collision Site related to Neck Pain Symptoms in Rear End Impacts
- Carlsson A, Chang F, Lemmen P, Kullgren A, Schmitt K-U, Linder A, Svensson M: EVARID - A 50th Percentile Female Rear Impact Finite Element Dummy Model
- Schmitt K-U, Weber T, Svensson M, Davidsson J, Carlsson A, Björklund M, Jakobsson L, Tomasch E, Linder A: Short Communication: Seat testing to investigate the female neck injury risk – preliminary results using a new female dummy prototype
- Gutsche A, Tomasch E, Sinz W, Cerrillo X, Levallois I, Schmitt K-U, Weber T, Steffan H: Short Communication: Basic comparison of the injury risk of a male and female dummy model in rear impact collisions
Session 2-3 – Lower Extremities 1
- Frimenko R, Lievers W, Riley P, Crandall J, Kent R: A Method to Induce Navicular-Cuneiform/Cuneiform-First Metatarsal Sprain in Athletes
- Meyer E, Wei F, Button K, Powell J, Haut R: Determination of Ligament Strain During High Ankle Sprains due to Excessive External Foot Rotation in Sport
- Masouros S, Newell N, Bonner T, Ramasamy A, Hill A, West A, Clasper J, Bull A: A standing vehicle occupant is likely to sustain a more severe injury than one who has flexed knees in an under-vehicle explosion: a cadaveric study.
Session 2-4 – Lower Extremities 2
- Newell N, Masouros S, Ramasamy A, Bonner T, Hill A, Clasper J, Bull A: Use of cadavers and anthropometric test devices (ATDs) for assessing lower limb injury outcome from under-vehicle explosions.
- Takahashi Y, Ikeda M, Imaizumi I, Kikuchi Y, Takeishi S: Validation of Pedestrian Lower Limb Injury Assessment using Subsystem Impactors
- Gunji Y, Okamoto M, Takahashi Y: Examination of Human Body Mass Influence on Pedestrian Pelvis Injury Prediction Using a Human FE Model
Session 3-1 – Accident Analysis 3
- Rizzi M, Strandroth J, Sternlund S, Tingvall C, Fildes B: Motorcycle Crashes into Road Barriers: the Role of Stability and Different Types of Barriers for Injury Outcome
- Strandroth J, Rizzi M, Kullgren A, Tingvall C: Head-on collisions between passenger cars and heavy goods vehicles: Injury risk functions and benefits of Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEBS).
- Ejima S, Ito D, Satou F, Mikami K, Ono K, Kaneoka K, Shiina I: Effects of Pre-impact Swerving/Steering on Physical Motion of the Volunteer in the Low-Speed Side-impact Sled Test
- Lindman M, Nyström J, Jakobsson L, Ödblom A: Short Communication: Monitoring the past and the future of a passenger car auto brake system
- Lindman M, Kovaceva J, Levin D, Svanberg B, Jakobsson L, Wiberg H: Short Communication: A first glance at Driver Alert Control in FOT-data
Session 3-2 – Analysis Of Impact Scenarios
- Preatoni E, Stokes K, England M, Trewartha G: Forces Generated in Rugby Union Machine Scrummaging at Various Playing Levels
- Hue C, Vo K, Effgen G, Vogel E, Panzer M, Bass C, Meaney D, Morrison B: Integrity Disruption of an In Vitro Blood-Brain Barrier Model Following Exposure to Blast Overpressure
- Iluk A: Selected aspects of the control of the human body motion in the vehicle subjected to the blast load
- Rashid B, Destrade M, Gilchrist M: Experimental Characterisation of Neural Tissue at Collision Speeds
- Tan K, Cheng S, Clarke E, Green M, Sinkus R, Bilston L: Short Communication: Combining Rheometry and Elastography to Understand Large Deformation Soft Tissue Properties
- Donnelly B, Moorhouse K: Short Communication: Optimized Phasing of PMHS Response Curves for Biofidelity Targets
Session 3-3 – Head And Brain Injuries 1
- Post A, Oeur A, Hoshizaki B, Gilchrist M: The influence of centric and non-centric impacts to American football helmets on the correlation between commonly used metrics in brain injury research
- Kendall M, Post A, Rousseau P, Oeur A, Gilchrist M, Hoshizaki B: A comparison of dynamic impact response and brain deformation metrics within the cerebrum of head impact reconstructions representing three mechanisms of head injury in ice hockey
- Antona-Makoshi J, Davidsson J, Ejima S, Ono K: Reanalysis of monkey head concussion experiment data using a novel monkey finite element model to develop brain tissue injury reference values
Session 3-4 – Head And Brain Injuries 2
- Effgen G, Gill E, Morrison B: A Model of Repetitive, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and a Novel Pharmacological Intervention to Block Repetitive Injury Synergy
- Shafieian M, Laksari K, Darvish K, Crandall J: Development of a Constitutive Model for Brain Tissue under Multiaxial Loading
- Finan J, Pearson E, Morrison B: Viscoelastic Properties of the Rat Brain in the Horizontal Plane
Session 4-1 – Tissue Characterization
- Papy A, Robbe C, Nsiampa N, Oukara A, Goffin J: Definition of a standardized skin penetration surrogate for blunt impacts
- Gallagher A, Ní Anniadh A, Bruyere K, Otténio M, Xie H, Gilchrist M: Dynamic Tensile Properties of Human Skin
- Takaza M, Simms C: The Passive Response of Skeletal Muscle to Compressive Impact Loading
- Gras L, Laporte S, Mitton D, Crevier-Denoix N, Viot P: Tensile Tests on a Muscle: Influence of Experimental Conditions and of Velocity on its Passive Response
- Forman J, del Pozo de Dios E, Symeonidis I, Duart J, Kerrigan J, Salzar R, Balasubramanian S, Segui-Gomez M, Kent R: Fracture Tolerance Related to Skeletal Development and Aging Throughout Life: 3-Point Bending of Human Femurs
Session 4-2 – Advances In Dummy Technology
- Nakajima T, Yamazaki K, Ono K, Kadotani Y, Sawada M: Calibration Test Method for enhancing the BioRID-II Dummy's Repeatability and Reproducibility
- Loyd A, Nightingale R, Song Y, Luck J, Cutcliffe H, Myers B, Bass C: Impact Properties of Adult and ATD Heads
- Tylko S, Bussières A: Responses of the Hybrid III 5th Female and 10-year-old ATD Seated in the Rear Seats of Passenger Vehicles in Frontal Crash Tests
- Johannsen H, Trosseille X, Lesire P, Beillas P: Estimating Q-Dummy Injury Criteria Using the CASPER Project Results and Scaling Adult Reference Values
- Beck B, Brown J, Bilston L: Short Communication: Objective Measures for Determining Submarining and Abdominal Injury in Hybrid III Crash Test Dummies
Session 4-3 – Impact Biomechanics Modelling
- Vandenbulcke F, Rahmoun J, Morvan H, Naceur H, Drazetic P, Fontaine C, Bry R: On the Mechanical Characterization of Human Humerus using Multi-scale Continuum Finite Element Model
- Desai C, Sharma G, Shah P, Ageorges C, Mayer C, Fressmann D: A generic Positioning Tool for Human Body FE Models
- Meijer R, van Hassel E, Broos J, Elrofai H, van Rooij L, van Hooijdonk P: Development of a Multi-Body Human Model that Predicts Active and Passive Human Behaviour
- Doerfel S, Zhou K, Sharma G, Mayer C, Peldschus S: Short Communication: Development of FE models of clavicular ligaments: quasi-static tensile test and FE simulation
Session 4-4 – Aorta And Lung Injuries
- Romo A, Avril S, Badel P, Molimard J, Duprey A, Favre J-P: Mechanical Characterization of the Thoracic Ascending Aorta
- Litlzer S, Vezin P: Characterization of the intima layer of the aorta by Digital Image Correlation in dynamic traction up to failure
- Khalili Parsa H, Karac A, Ivankovic A: Surrogate Lung Material for Impact Studies: Development and Testing
Session 5-1 – Vulnerable Road Users 1
- Kerrigan J, Arregui-Dalmases C, Foster J, Crandall J, Rizzo A: Pedestrian Injury Analysis: Field Data vs. Laboratory Experiments
- Mueller B, Nolan J, Zuby D, Rizzo A: Pedestrian Injury Patterns in the United States and Relevance to GTR
- Lyons M, Simms C: Predicting the Influence of Windscreen Design on Pedestrian Head Injuries
- Hamacher M, Eckstein L, Paas R: Vehicle Related Influence of Post-Car Impact Pedestrian Kinematics on Secondary Impact
- Paas R, Davidsson J, Masson C, Sander U, Brolin K, Yang J: Pedestrian Shoulder and Spine Kinematics in Full-Scale PMHS Tests for Human Body Model Evaluation
- Corrigenda (received 21.01.2014): Paas R, Davidsson J, Masson C, Sander U, Brolin K, Yang J: Pedestrian Shoulder and Spine Kinematics in Full-Scale PMHS Tests for Human Body Model Evaluation (corrected version)
- Anderson R, Searson D, Hutchinson T: Integrating the assessment of pedestrian safety in vehicles with collision detection and mitigation systems
- Lubbe N, Edwards M, Wisch M: Short Communication: Towards an Integrated Pedestrian Safety Assessment Method
Session 5-2 – Vulnerable Road Users 2
- Peng Y, Deck C, Yang J, Otte D, Willinger R: A study of kinematics of adult pedestrian and head impact conditions in case of passenger car collisions based on real world accident data
- Fredriksson R, Rosén E: Priorities for Bicyclist Protection in Car Impacts – a Real life Study of Severe Injuries and Car Sources
- Fahlstedt M, Baeck K, Halldin P, Vander Sloten J, Goffin J, Depreitere B, Kleiven S: Influence of Impact Velocity and Angle in a Detailed Reconstruction of a Bicycle Accident
- van Schijndel M, de Hair S, Rodarius C, Fredriksson R: Cyclist kinematics in car impacts reconstructed in simulations and full scale testing with Polar dummy
- Milne G, Deck C, Bourdet N, Carreira R, Allinne Q, Willinger R: Development and validation of a bicycle helmet: Assessment of head injury risk under standard impact conditions
Session 6-1 – Thorax Injuries (THORAX Special Session)
- Lemmen P, Been B, Carroll J, Hynd D, Davidsson J, Song E, Lecuyer E: Development of an advanced frontal dummy thorax demonstrator
- Brolin K, Mendoza-Vazquez M, Song E, Lecuyer E, Davidsson J: Design Implications for Improving an Anthropomorphic Test Device based on Human Body Simulations
- Lebarbé M, Petit P: New Biofidelity Targets for the Thorax of a 50th Percentile Adult Male in Frontal Impact
- Gierczycka-Zbrozek D: Short Communication: Application of the Human Thorax FE Model in Passive Restraint Assessment
- Toczyski J, Gierczycka-Zbrozek D: Short Communication: Computational Modeling of the Thorax under High Impulse Loading
- Cronin D: Short Communication: Application of a Detailed Thorax Model to Investigate Behind Armour Blunt Trauma
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