Crash-Versuch zur Prüfung der Schadenkompatibilität Opel Rekord / Peugeot 309
1998, pp. 156 – 158 (#6)
An Opel Rekord E was crashed frontally at a speed of 30 km/h against the back of a Peugeot 309. In the moment of collision the longitudinal axis of both cars were parallel to each other but the Opel was positioned towards the right of the Peugeot. Therefore only about 30% of the front of the Opel was in contact to the Peugeot. During the crash the Opel was neither braked nor accellerated. The Peugeot was fastened by first gear and parking brake.
The aim of the crash-test was to check whether deformations of the cars in an identical real crash were corresponding. As one result we were able to show this compatibility. Further the enclosed photos point out that eventhough the front of the fifteen year old Opel was partly correded its front-structure had still a comparative higher rated fatigue limit than the back of the Peugeot. Thus the Peugeot was more deformed than the Opel's front.
Therefore the crash-test also certifies Energy Equivalent Speed (EES) for reconstruction of similar crashs. In this connection we would like to mention the author's publication of a comparable crash-test (Verkehrsunfall und Fahrzeugtechnik, issue 10/95), where a similar Opel Rekord was crashed against a solid wall at a speed of about 20 km/h in a comparable configuration.
Weyde, M.; Priester, J.: Crash-Versuch zur Prüfung der Schadenkompatibilität Opel Rekord / Peugeot 309. Verkehrsunfall und Fahrzeugtechnik 36 (1998), pp. 156 – 158 (#6)
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- 1995 #10 Aufprallversuche - Offset-Barrière